Read stories from and about our #AACPSAwesome employees.
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Appreciating the Good in All Students
"My philosophy of teaching grows from my own love of learning and the value I place on the relationships formed within the learning community."-- Lyndsay Geddings, Folger McKinsey Elementary School
The Powerful Role of the Teacher
"I believe my primary role is looking at the end goal, assessing current understanding, and taking into account special abilities, interests, and challenges of the students." --Samantha Klenkel Wilkinson, Cape St. Claire Elementary School
Guiding Reluctant Wanderers
"I believe that all students can be and should be pushed, pushed to try their hardest, pushed to be deeper thinkers, pushed to take pride in what they produce." --Kristina Ladika, Arundel High School
Music: The Universal Language
"I believe that my music classroom, and the lessons I conduct, should provide a creative language that can be communicated by all." --Victoria Scalfaro, Lothian Elementary
Collecting Beautiful Moments
"A successful classroom community exists when a teacher takes time to build authentic relationships. In turn, students feel safe and are comfortable taking risks." --Sarah Serena, Waugh Chapel Elementary
Intricate Parts of Our Education Adventure
"My belief is that all students can learn if provided with tools that enhance the skills that we are trying to build and expand the foundation that they have already established. Utilizing a variety of methods of instruction as well as different unique tools such as Makerspace and presentation materials allows me as a teacher to reach more learners and help them grow."--Melissa Connelly
Heroes Take Risks
"I believe our children should learn to lead a life that will leave a positive legacy. Teachers have an AMAZING influence on students and should use that power wisely." --Erin Perkins, Quarterfield Elementary School
Have Only Positive Expectations
"I refer to my teaching philosophy as "Soul Food" because of having the opportunity to beautifully educate my students in mind, body and soul."--Carla Matthews, Center of Applied Technology South
It’s Not About the Standards–Its About the People
"I believe that all students need to feel cared for before learning can take place. Understanding where students are emotionally and intellectually allows me to meet them on a level playing field."--Tully Fenner, Northeast High School
Establishing Trusting Relationships
"My philosophy of teaching is very simple. EVERY student is capable of learning."--Danyelle Edwards, Seven Oaks Elementary School
Presence Sets the Tone
"My philosophy of teaching is simple: make connections and strive to be your best self. As teachers, we shoulder great responsibility regarding the impact we have on our students' lives."--Laura Currey, Central Elementary
Creating Lifelong Learners and Community Members
"I believe that providing my students with an engaging, rigorous, and hands-on lesson, inspires their learning. These lessons allow them to retain the concepts taught and make real-world connections."--April Crovo, Mayo Elementary
Praise From All Corners of the Community
"My teaching philosophy is simple. Make it fun, make it collaborative and make it as hands-on as possible all the while being kind to one another."--Angela Carbone, Severna Park Middle
A Colorful, Positive Environment for Kids to Feel Supported
"The importance of accepting all students and treating each other with kindness is displayed by Mrs. Ward and is therefore displayed by her students. I am thankful that our daughter has Mrs. Ward as a teacher this school year."
Nothing But Great Things from Mrs. Bohanana
"When my son tells me he had a great day at school I know it's because he has an awesome teacher supporting him throughout his day."
Guiding My Love of Teaching
"Thanks for being a supportive and safe environment to recognize my love of teaching!"
Reviving Southern’s Agriculture Science Program
"Dr. Eckels, you are not just teaching a class you are educating our future in life skills. Thank you for all that you do for your students and what your are bringing to Southern High School."
A Gifted Educator that Makes Learning Fun
"Thank you Ms. Crawford for loving your students the way you do and always being their biggest supporter and fan. The impact that you have had on our son will carry with him for the rest of his life and we will be forever grateful."
Instilling A Love of Art in My Children
"Ms. Ludlow has instilled a love of art in both of my children. She teaches them techniques, introduces them to great artists, and is really giving them a comprehensive cultural experience."
The Perfect Teacher for My Child
"Ms. Lisa Donnelly has changed my son's life in a way I never thought possible. "
Lucky to Have Ms. Maury
"She consistently goes above & beyond for her students, providing such a positive first-school-experience for our little ones, and we couldn’t be more lucky to have her!!"
Thank You Mr. Webster!
"The students love how he teaches hands on and how he has opportunities for the students to be involved."
Thank You for Being So Impactful in My Life
"A huge thank you to Mr. Keener for always providing not just educational support for his students, but emotional support as well."
Finding A Family At Folger McKinsey
"The Kindergarten team at Folger McKinsey Elementary have not only welcomed me into the world of Kindergarten with open arms, but they have become family."
Sharing Our Appreciation for Mrs. Winarski
"Mrs. Winarski has made his first year of elementary school a wonderful experience for him and has fostered such a joy of learning."
The Power of Positivity
"Mrs. Power has influenced her in such a wonderful way and made her so excited about learning, we cannot thank her enough."
One of the most influential teachers I have ever had
"Your classroom was always a joy to be in. It was a place where I could be proud of my accomplishments, and more importantly, proud of myself."
LitCon Brings Students Together Through YA Literature
National Book Award Finalist Jason Reynolds joined Glen Burnie High School (GBHS) as the keynote speaker for LitCon: Volume 1, Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ first teen literature conference.
Working Alongside the Teachers Who Impacted Me
"It is very exciting for me to be working alongside the teachers that made such a huge difference in my life growing up!"
Helping My Kids At Home and in Our School
"Being in the classroom, I’m seeing what they’re going through and I can help and reassure them. Knowing that I have that insight means I’m helping kids here and I’m helping them at home."
We Are a Family at Park Elementary School
As educators, "We wouldn’t bring our own children here if we didn’t think they’d get the best education possible."
At Home At Park
"This is where I feel I do my best work and I never want to be anywhere else—I never need to be anywhere else."
I’ve Never Found a Better School
"If I had my way, this school would go from PreK-12th grade so my son would never have to leave."
Educating Students & Families
"Ms. Blondell believes, like I do, that you not only need to educate the child, you need to educate the parents."
Making a Difference with My Park Family
"This school is like a family--the students, the employees, and the community—it’s what keeps me here and it’s the reason that I want this to be the school I retire from."
Starting the Day Off Right
"It's a great day to have a great day at Hilltop Elementary"--Kelly Thomas
“The positivitiy is palpable”
"You know that all the teachers care about the students and all the students want to be here because of that care, because of that love."--Hannah MacDonald
Supporting Hilltop’s International Family Community
Bilingual Facilitator Diana Rivera talks about some of the events at Hilltop Elementary School that help engage the community's international families.
Feeling Valued at Hilltop
"I really feel valued here by my administration, teachers, and students. It’s a place I like to come to everyday. It’s also a place I feel like we can voice our ideas freely."--Darren Towers
Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers
"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee
"For teachers, summer is always a time we should expect to reflect, renew and prepare to rea engage through each of our roles in the educational system."--Kim Mason, Windsor Farm Elementary
An Awesome Kindergarten Teacher
"Thank you Mr. Walter at Folger McKinsey for being an awesome teacher for kindergarten! Sophia enjoyed everyday of your instruction and teaching!" -- Hazar Biddle, parent
Welcomed to AACPS
"Since I was first offered the position at Meade Heights Elementary School I have felt welcomed and appreciated within the whole AACPS family."--Deanna Webber
Is Ms. Quinn a wizard or a teacher?
"Thanks Mrs. Quinn! You are doing formative things for these kids that will follow them throughout their whole lives."--Angelica Shiels, Parent, Belvedere Elementary
A True Partner in My Child’s Education
"Ms. Lum is one of the kindest, patient, but disciplined teachers my children have ever had."--Elizabeth Carll, Parent
Mrs. Shorter Keeps Parents Engaged
"We really like to know what is going on at school, and I feel a lot more included having Mrs. Shorter as a teacher for my son."--Rachel McDonald, Parent, Waugh Chapel Elementary
The pleasure of working with Mrs. Brimhall
"We often recognize those in the classroom and those educators associated with the academic success of our students, but today I wanted to highlight an educator that is exposing our students to the arts in a positive, professional, and most of all meaningful way."--Nikki Johnson
Bringing Authentic Cultural Experience To The Classroom
For the past 8 years, I have been able to bring 12 years of authentic cultural experiences into my AACPS classroom.
Connections that Matter
"As teachers, we have the unique responsibility of being the first domino in this epic domino rally setup."--Heather Carnaghan, Monarch Global Academy
The Power of Relationships
"I believe that great teaching begins with forming positive, meaningful relationships with students."--Josh Carroll, SRHS
Creating Meaningful Experiences through German
"The 21st century demands on students are rigorous, but my classroom is a safe area for students to take risks and to discover that mistakes are simply opportunities for learning."--Katrina Griffin, NCHS
Opening the Door for Deaf Culture in Our Schools
“AACPS opened the door and pursued ASL as a language to be taught in it’s schools. This willingness gives students the opportunity to broaden their language horizons and become productive/contributing members of society.”--Dana Dobbs, Broadneck High School
Empowering a Community of Learners
"Students will remember science because of how I made them feel and the excitement they felt as they learned some really cool science."--Kathleen Soares, Corkran Middle School Teacher
Inspired to Achieve Greatness
"I’ve risen above thinking I achieved greatness on my own; and I’ve embraced the responsibility to ignite and stoke in my students the fire that was started inside of me." --Iris Crankfield, SRHS
My students’ home away from home
"Classroom culture and environment directly impacts student success. My philosophy of teaching is built around this statement and begins by creating a home away from home for my students."--Marlene Kramer, Southern High School
Instruction Is The Essence Of Education
Years ago I read a quote that forever resonated in my soul, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. “My hope is that I inspire!
My Teaching Philosophy
"My teaching philosophy is rooted within my goal of instilling a deep love of learning in my students while challenging them to surpass their personal expectations. I believe that each child is a unique individual with their own diverse backgrounds, learning styles, and specific interests and it is my duty to rise to the occasion and take them to their next level of learning."--Lori-Ann Blazano
Improving classrooms through teamwork and personal connections.
Inspiring children to learn is a gift I feel humbled and grateful to share.
The best lessons start with a question: “What if?”
"There is no doubt in my mind that becoming a teacher is a calling, not a job. I have never regretted becoming a teacher."- Christina Houstian
My Journey with AACPS
“My journey with AACPS began over 25 years ago, as a young child who was embarking on his first days of Kindergarten.”--Timothy Smith, Folger McKinsey Elementary
A Legacy of Teachers
“The women in my family have given over 100 year of teachings to AACPS.”--Elizabeth Parker, NHS
Teaching is My Purpose
"My passion for science led me to pursue every program possible to acquire more effective teaching practices and increased first-hand collaboration with scientists in the real world to bring back these wonderful opportunities to enhance student experiences."--Debbie Sparby, SPMS
Beyond the Teaching Standards
"A teacher never stops learning because our students are always changing."--Charlene Beyerlein, Jones Elementary
Paying Teaching Forward
"I hope that one day, my students will remember me as fondly as I remember the teachers who had a positive impact on my life."--Jill Weigelt, Arundel Middle
Why I Love Teaching
"Throughout the years I have met some of the most endearing children, interesting families, knowledgeable experts and compassionate professionals of my life."--Ronnie Barill, Van Bokkelen Elementary
Reflecting on my Honorable Profession
“I have come to realize that my philosophy of teaching can not be summarized into one word or phrase. It is a belief, a passion, and a responsibility.”—Nicole Hughes, Windsor Farm Elementary
Child-Centered Learning
“When student diversity is accounted for, all students will succeed.”—Debra Biggs, Pasadena Elementary, 2017 Teacher of the Year Honoree
Inspired to Be My Best
“My students and colleagues inspire me to be the best that I can be. I endeavor to do the same for them.”—Dawn Conway, Hillsmere Elementary
The Key to a Successful Year
"What worked in the classroom today, may not work tomorrow. Therefore, I am continuously seeking new ideas."--Alane Connolly, Shady Side Elementary
What a Perfect Job
"I love the promise that each new school year brings. I love the smell of a fresh box of crayons. I love seeing the smile on a child’s face when they feel good about themselves."--Josalyn Brown, Crofton Woods Teacher
Helping Students Develop a Love of Learning
"My teaching approach encourages creativity, cultivates independence, and develops an intrinsic sense of wonder [in my students] about themselves, their community and the world around us."--Sharon Mattoon, Solley Elementary Teacher
“You’re Our Biggest Fan”
" I remember my first grade teacher finding ways to communicate with me, a shy, intimated girl who spoke no English...It is important to me to teach the same way I’ve been taught."--Sunny Deitrick, ELA Teacher, OMHS
Forming Relationships Before Day One
"It is just as important to have children thrive emotionally as it is for them to achieve academically."--Angela Holmes, Oak Hill Elementary School
Passionate for Learning
"It is important for students to know that I am invested in them as a person with diverse interests and not just in the classroom."--Bethany Siwajek, Marley Middle School Teacher
My Teaching Philosophy
"I believe there are outstanding teachers because they are in the line of work for the right reasons."--Kristen Brice, RHL Elementary Teacher
Teaching Like a Doctor
"I must understand my students, identify concerns, diagnose the areas of difficulty and problem solve for solutions."--Lisa Taltavull, Crofton Middle School Special Education Teacher
Reaching Towards Individualized Growth
"Teaching is part of who I am, and thank goodness there is still much to learn."--Tonia Haislip, Bates Middle School Teacher
A Shift in Classroom Dynamic
"I would not be a teacher without them, so the classroom is just as much theirs as it is mine."--Margaret Graham, CBMS Teacher
My Journey to Becoming a Mathematics Resource Teacher
"In 9th grade I met an Algebra teacher who changed my life goals. She would give up her planning time to sit with me and explain the 'why' of Algebra. This one teacher gave me the hope that I could be an effective Math teacher just like her."--Lori Berry, Woodside Elementary School Math Resource Teacher
Uncovering the Talents in Every Child
"I’ve learned that to truly get to know a child I must exude behavior that is both collaborative and inclusive with not only the student, but with all key stakeholders in each child’s life."--Stacey Coppock, Folger McKinsey Teacher
Connecting With My Students to Build Better Relationships
"The more I learn, the better able I am to provide engaging lessons that support them in growing as learners and rise to their fullest potential."--Christina McCall, Deale ES
“Be the beacon that guides students”
"Receiving an education should inspire and encourage students to strive to be productive members of a community, great citizens, and meaningful contributors of society."--Tori Peddicord, Southern Middle School
Being the Constant for My Students
"It was and still is my mission that every student can exceed everyone's expectations given the appropriate environment and support so that they can become successful contributing members of society."--Tamara Saxon, MM@JAA Teacher
Creating an Engaging Environment for All Students
"Classrooms are not quiet. They should be filled with conversation and movement."--Amy Shinn, Central ES Teacher
Whatever it takes to help my students succeed in math
"If I can give them at least one year where they feel successful in math, then that will carry throughout high school."--Laura Casciato, Central Middle School
Championing the Whole Child
"Building relationships with my students and their families is at the core of my instructional success. I need to reach the whole child for my students to reach their fullest potential."--Kim Travers, MHES
Teaching with Love
"My mother was not an educator, however, she was my first teacher. She disciplined with love, and I try to do the same in my classroom."--Linda Ancin, Freetown Elementary
More than a Job: Teaching is a Passion
"My philosophy for teaching is very simple. Everything I do, every interaction that I have with my students, must serve the students to educate and make them feel empowered."--Stacey Scofield, Mills-Parole Elementary School Librarian
Four Elements that Drive My Classroom
"My experience has led me to hold four elements sacred in my classroom...high expectations, engaging & differentiated instruction, parent involvement, and a culture of student dignity & value."--Sally Paz y Miño Wilson, THES Teacher
Balancing Development & Knowledge in the Music Classroom
"Talent is only as developed as our mastery of skills allow. I have found that doing alone is not always enough--PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT, NOT NECESSARILY PERFECT."--Robert Stojakovich, MRMS Teacher
Building the Foundation of Learning Through Relationships
"I believe that building relationships with students and staff is the glue that holds all the essential components of teaching and learning together."--Nancy Hack-Behringer, Mayo Elementary Teacher
One Enthusiastic, Positive and Genuine Teacher
"My grandson had Ms. Brady for Kindergarten last year and my granddaughter has her this year. They both love her as she makes them feel special no matter what they are doing."--Linda Batts, Grandparent
The Definition of Dedication
Mr. Stanzione epitomizes what it means to be a dedicated AACPS employee. He gives so generously of his time.
Thank You Mrs. Pillow!
"On August 7, 2008 I heard the worst words a parent can hear, 'Your son has cancer.' I didn't know which end was up. I reached out to [his teacher] Mrs. Pillow to let her know of Tag's situation. I barely remember our conversation, I cried for most of it, but I do remember her saying, 'Jen, Tag will go to college. I guarantee it.' Those words were so comforting to me."--Jennifer G., Parent
Wayne Shipley, Arundel High School, Class of 1962
Wayne’s lifelong love of the performing arts began on a high school dare. But over the course of his 30+ years as an English teacher in Anne Arundel County and, later, as an independent filmmaker, Wayne has shared his passion for literature and the arts to help his students—in and out of the classroom—find and follow their own visions for the future.
Giving Back with Help from My Guidance Counselor
My Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Lewis, takes time to help everyone with their needs. Even though she is extremely busy she will do anything you need. Like recently I wanted to open a club to help others that are less fortunate in the community and now our club, the Human Relations Committee, consists of 17 members in the group.
Thankful for Mrs. Nodtvedt’s Positive Communication & Support
"The one thing that I truly appreciate is that she not only told me when there were problems but let me know if he had had a great day and if he had done something good for another student. In the past I was only contacted if there was a problem. Through Mrs. Nodtvedt's kind and compassionate ways my grandson has come a long way since the beginning of the year."--Beth Lassiter, Grandparent
My favorite story from my first year at Marley Middle
"I am in my second year teaching at Marley Middle. Being a "new" veteran teacher I was embraced by faculty and staff and I was made to feel welcome. I wanted to share my favorite story from my first year at Marley..." Brenda Osborne, Teacher
Thank You for Inspiring My Son’s Love of Reading!
"I just wanted to thank Ms. Hoffman for helping my son's love reading!"--Nancy Cahlink-Seidler, Parent
The Most Kind and Caring Guidance Counselor
"We are relatively new to our area and the newness still hadn't worn off, leaving both my husband and I feeling misunderstood and uncertain about how things were going to go for us with the boys here in Severna Park. I reached out to Ms. Fincher to talk and she responded immediately.... Upon meeting her, her smile immediately made me feel better."--Lara Grossi