Kristina Ladika

I am an AACPS: Teacher, Arundel High School | 2019 Teacher of the Year Honoree

I believe that all students can be and should be pushed, pushed to try their hardest, pushed to be deeper thinkers, pushed to take pride in what they produce. I know that this sounds simple, but many people underestimate what teens can do. They see struggle and laziness as a weakness, a reason to throw their hands up. I don’t ever lower my expectations. I believe in rigor. But I believe that rigor is only truly successful in a firm, loving environment. Every student I teach is a reluctant wanderer; I am their enthusiastic guide. I believe that through my passion, my empathy, my knowledge, my organization, my connections, my honesty, my love, my humor they will feel safe enough to grow beyond what they were when they came to me and find joy in tangible information that will allow them to apply what I’ve taught throughout their lives. I believe in being useful, in giving them all I can. To this end, my door is always open to those who need help as well as those who just want to talk or a shoulder to cry on. I plan every lesson meticulously to make sure that all I do connects and has a purpose. Every journal, discussion, grammar drill, essay, note sheet, work sheet I create connects in some ultimate plan, and I always tie that plan to their future. Whether it is their behavior or their work, I set my expectations high, but I am always available to make sure my expectations are achievable. I run a balancing act between firmness and comfort. Each class I check in with every single student to say hi and to make sure that they understand what we’re doing. More importantly I make sure they understand why we are doing it. I want them to know that I see and respect them. Through this trust and devotion, I believe that students will allow themselves to be pushed.