The School and Family Partnerships Office’s mission is to support AACPS goals by encouraging collaborative relationships among families, community members and schools. Each month, Family & Community Corner will offer ideas and resources to help you nurture family and community partnerships within your school.
Repeat, Re-visit, Reteach and Make it Relevant!
"I believe that my classroom is inviting, safe, and nurturing. Children feel secure and valued. Effective instruction that is joyful and stimulating occurs on a daily basis."--Eileen Foley, Corkran Middle School
Appreciating the Good in All Students
"My philosophy of teaching grows from my own love of learning and the value I place on the relationships formed within the learning community."-- Lyndsay Geddings, Folger McKinsey Elementary School
The Powerful Role of the Teacher
"I believe my primary role is looking at the end goal, assessing current understanding, and taking into account special abilities, interests, and challenges of the students." --Samantha Klenkel Wilkinson, Cape St. Claire Elementary School
Guiding Reluctant Wanderers
"I believe that all students can be and should be pushed, pushed to try their hardest, pushed to be deeper thinkers, pushed to take pride in what they produce." --Kristina Ladika, Arundel High School
Music: The Universal Language
"I believe that my music classroom, and the lessons I conduct, should provide a creative language that can be communicated by all." --Victoria Scalfaro, Lothian Elementary
Collecting Beautiful Moments
"A successful classroom community exists when a teacher takes time to build authentic relationships. In turn, students feel safe and are comfortable taking risks." --Sarah Serena, Waugh Chapel Elementary