Faces of AACPS: Real People, Real Stories.

Read stories from students, families, staff, and community partners from schools in the Broadneck feeder system.
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Music in the Air: Baysox Partner with Broadneck HS Student to Showcase Local Talent
My love for baseball & my love for music meeting at this place... it's such a great place to be.
The National Association for Music Education invites Apex Arts Commercial Band to Perform at Leadership Assembly
"We need more of this in our schools, communities, and conferences. Thank you for shining a light on these kids and their amazing work!" - Stephanie Wiegand, Chair for the NAfME Council for Choral Education
Apex Arts Commercial Band Looking to Make Their Mark at Rams Head on Stage
The band’s repertoire is diverse and is selected to showcase student strengths and capabilities. Their setlists include (but are not limited to) classic rock, contemporary rock, pop, funk, soul, and rap. The ensemble has been invited to perform throughout the local community, for various conferences, and for music festivals in and beyond Maryland.
From Lab Coat to Superteacher: Meet the Magothy River Middle School Science Teacher Named Finalist for Teacher of the Year
The first thing would be to tell myself, You’ve Got This! Have fun and if you aren’t enjoying your lessons, neither are the students. Be creative and make changes. The kids like to know you are human, so if you make a mistake, it’s ok
Encouraging Students to Explore
Stacy Kearns I am an AACPS: Teacher, Severn River Middle School | 2020 Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist Adolescence is a challenging time for many students. Adolescence can also be a time of [...]
A Volunteer Group with an Unmatchable Kindness
The St. Margaret's Helping Hands are dedicated and committed to elevating all students and eliminating all gaps through their volunteer partnership with Broadneck Elementary School.
A Partnership Cultivating Environmental Conservation
What is most significant about this partnership with the Magothy River Association and Broadneck High School is that their partnership is opportunity driven.
Apex Arts Commercial Band Performance at Rams Head Tavern
The performance at Ram’s Head in Downtown Annapolis helps to illustrate the recognition of their level of achievement and the value of providing these students with real-world music industry experiences.
The Powerful Role of the Teacher
"I believe my primary role is looking at the end goal, assessing current understanding, and taking into account special abilities, interests, and challenges of the students." --Samantha Klenkel Wilkinson, Cape St. Claire Elementary School
Kindergarten Kindness Society
In 2018, Broadneck High School’s National Honors Society partnered with Broadneck Elementary to create the literacy-based Kindergarten Kindness Society.
Everything A Teacher Should Be
"Ms. Rohrbaugh is everything that a teacher should be: kind, inspiring, smart, patient, and fun."
Promoting Environmental Literacy through a Student Film Festival
ClearShark H2O’s mission involves a revitalization of youth engagement in Maryland’s waterways by offering hands on experiences to students of all ages, which pairs perfectly with Broadneck's Environmental Literacy Signature Program.
Redemption Church: Going Above and Beyond to Support Our Teachers
Teaching is a demanding job and the support of Redemption Church eases the burden, often just when staff need it.
The Lasting Impact of Atlantic Bingo Supply’s Partnership
Atlantic Bingo’s long-standing support of Ridgeway’s “Run, Jump, and Throw” festival offers Olympic-type activities for our students with severe special needs and disabilities.
Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers
"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee
"For teachers, summer is always a time we should expect to reflect, renew and prepare to rea engage through each of our roles in the educational system."--Kim Mason, Windsor Farm Elementary
Is Ms. Quinn a wizard or a teacher?
"Thanks Mrs. Quinn! You are doing formative things for these kids that will follow them throughout their whole lives."--Angelica Shiels, Parent, Belvedere Elementary
“The Mills-Parole Way”
I am very pleased to present Mills-Parole Elementary with this plaque in recognition of your wonderful program that supports literacy as well as the development of caring, competent, and contributing citizens.
Opening the Door for Deaf Culture in Our Schools
“AACPS opened the door and pursued ASL as a language to be taught in it’s schools. This willingness gives students the opportunity to broaden their language horizons and become productive/contributing members of society.”--Dana Dobbs, Broadneck High School
Improving classrooms through teamwork and personal connections.
Inspiring children to learn is a gift I feel humbled and grateful to share.
The best lessons start with a question: “What if?”
"There is no doubt in my mind that becoming a teacher is a calling, not a job. I have never regretted becoming a teacher."- Christina Houstian
Reflecting on my Honorable Profession
“I have come to realize that my philosophy of teaching can not be summarized into one word or phrase. It is a belief, a passion, and a responsibility.”—Nicole Hughes, Windsor Farm Elementary
Balancing Development & Knowledge in the Music Classroom
"Talent is only as developed as our mastery of skills allow. I have found that doing alone is not always enough--PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT, NOT NECESSARILY PERFECT."--Robert Stojakovich, MRMS Teacher
Shout-Out to Two Great Language Arts Assets at SRMS
"Joanne Sprague is a great department chair [and] Mandi Quinn is our amazing resource teacher."--Holly McDermott
From Annapolis Class of 1982 to Documentary Filmmaker
As a new "Guest Performer/Artist" with the Performing and Visual Arts program in Anne Arundel County Public Schools, I look forward to exploring digital storytelling as a way to combine multiple disciplines and enhance learning experiences.
Loving My Role as a Volunteer Coordinator at Windsor Farms
“Whenever there is an opportunity to help a child, I encourage everyone to give whatever time you may have, to do it. You won't regret making a difference and the reward is the sparkle in their little eyes and the smiles on their faces.” --Lisa Saunders
A Wonderful Teacher & Role Model
"Mrs. Dronberger, at Broadneck High School is the most organized teacher I have ever encountered in my 18 years’ experience as a parent."--Roberta Wentworth
Making math fun!
"My daughte, Lily, like many children, didn't equate math as her favorite subject. She's an excellent student but has struggled to the point of tears with math for many years. This year she has had the incredible opportunity to be placed in Mrs. Kimberly Baillieul's math class. Mrs. Baillieul has not only transformed my Lily to now love math, she has empowered Lily and made math fun." --Lisa Saunders
“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”
"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels
“What we’re really doing is growing a community…that says education is important to us”
"No matter whether we're a private individual, private organization, or civic organization, we have a responsibility to be good citizens and do what we can to make sure the next generation grows up and is successful." --Joe Van Deuren