Magothy River Association

We are an AACPS: Business/Community Partnership | 2020 Business Partner of the Year Nominee

Recognized for their support of AACPS by Broadneck High School

The Magothy River Association has a long-standing relationship with Broadneck High School and their Signature Program which has strengthened over the past five years. 

What is most significant about this partnership with the Magothy River Association and Broadneck High School is that their partnership is opportunity driven. Both Lise Crafton and Paul Spadaro have worked tirelessly to create opportunities for our students. Since the inception of this partnership, Broadneck High School students have built floating gardens, held internships in various capacities, participated in community clean ups and plantings, and taken part in advocacy related experiences. These experiences allow for Broadneck High School students to gain a sense of community and what it takes to create change in the local environment, and this partnership has inspired students to work independently to create their own community projects. 

In the beginning of this partnership, Broadneck High School asked for opportunities. Now, Lise and Paul bring the opportunities to them. Lise Crafton is continuously seeking out connections for the students of Broadneck High School. Last year, when an archaeological opportunity fell through, Lise contacted several individuals within the county to ensure that Broadneck High School students wouldn’t miss out on the experience. She has coordinated with our Eco-Action Team and the rangers at Lake Waterford to organize a weekend planting. When Broadneck High School students go to work on their invasive species project at Spriggs Farm this spring, Lise will be there providing her knowledge as a Master Gardener to Broadneck High School students and encouraging a contagious spirit of lifelong learning. 

The Magothy River Association is currently working to bring more opportunity to Broadneck High School students as they collaborate to raise wetland plant species that will benefit the local community and waterways. They commit time to ensure that a member is present at our Integrated Community Stakeholder Meetings, and they are continuously connecting our students to opportunities while still working diligently to accomplish their own mission. The individuals at the Magothy River Association work tirelessly for their organization. This work drives them to instill the value of stewardship with their students, and Broadneck High School is extremely grateful for this partnership.