Partnerships with local businesses have resulted in a plethora of increased opportunities for Anne Arundel County Public Schools students and staff over the years, but the most recent collaboration ventures into new territory: storefront staff recruitment.

Thanks to a collaboration between Westfield Annapolis Mall and the school system, a vacant storefront has been turned into a display that provides a variety of exciting facts about AACPS positions and careers. The display contains information about how to access employment opportunities and will be updated periodically throughout the year.

“School systems across the nation are undertaking new and innovative approaches to attract high-quality candidates,” said Jessica Cuches, AACPS’ Executive Director of Human Resources. “This effort is a true example of what can happen when two partners share a common interest. We are thrilled that every day, thousands of shoppers will have the chance to learn more about our school system and potentially join our team.”

Said Morgan McLoud, Marketing Manager for Westfield Annapolis:

“We at Westfield Annapolis are proud to support education in Anne Arundel County and have had a strong partnership with both the public school system and the Education Foundation of Anne Arundel County Public Schools. This display will hopefully attract the best possible candidates to consider a career in our county’s schools.”

The display is located near Macy’s across from Retro Fitness and next to H&M. It was created by Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ Office of Design & Print Services.