Faces of AACPS: Real People, Real Stories.

Read stories from students, families, staff, and community partners from schools in the Severna Park feeder system.
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School Sounds Episode 1 featuring Ivy League at Severna Park
AACPS TV presents School Sounds Episode 1 featuring Ivy League from Severna Park HS. Ivy League is the group of Keith, Cameron, and Nicholas.
Introducing… AACPS School Sounds. First Stop, Severna Park HS with Ivy League! Get Ready!!
Announcing AACPS TV’s School Sounds!! We will be highlighting bands, groups, solo artists, and other musicians from AACPS schools, celebrating them for their musical achievements.
Spirits In the Air – Student Reporter Spotlight
Friday Night Lights takes the excitement of the school day and carries it into the afternoon ahead of kickoff. As sophomore Micheal Pastine, SkillsUSA president, put it, “This brings excitement to the game. If they’re out there having fun before the game, they will go in hyped and ready to watch the game.”
2023 AACPS Model UN Conference Spotlight: Annapolis High School Teams Up with Annapolis Middle School to Guide their Inaugural Model UN Participation
"Annapolis High (AHS) and Severna Park High students largely ran the event by serving as the dais in each room. They taught parliamentary procedure, modeled best practices for serving in a committee, and selected the participants who should be recognized with awards. These students did most of the work on the day of the event, and they did very well!" - Ms. Sarah Poole, SPHS Social Studies Department Chair
Teaching Student’s that Kindness Matters
I believe all students can learn within an environment where kindness matters and they feel safe to take risks.
An Ideal Role Model for the Community
Ed Knox, from the U.S. Small Business Administration, has been an integral part of SPHS's Business, Innovation, and Leadership Signature program.
Discover the inspiring community leadership of Severna Park HS students preparing for the SkillsUSA competition
"I appreciate all the hard work first responders and soldiers do, so giving back to them is rewarding. Actually, getting to meet the Firefighters and see their surprised faces when dropping off the boxes of goodies was fulfilling.” - Lily M "I think more students should get involved in Skills USA because it prepares us for the real-world, and it provides a great learning experience!” - Jessica B "There is something for everyone. Community Service, professional development, and leadership. SkillsUSA prepares its participants for life outside the classroom.” - Adieline F
A Passionate Leader of Severna Park’s Music Program
"Mr. Kilby is a champion and advocate of his students who always looks for the best in each of them and pushes them to work hard and grow as leaders in the school."--The Astle Family, Severna Park High School
We Appreciate You, Mr. Boorman!
"Thank you to Arthur Boorman, Special Education teacher at Severna Park High School, for the extra effort during this challenging transition to online learning."--Teresita Saff, Parent
Thank you, SPHS!
"I’m thankful for the supportive fellow teachers and my students I work with daily!"--Beverly McFarland
Embracing Unity Together
"We had our first ever school wide Unity Day Pep Rally. There were be over 1500 people on the fields in front of our school. Our school community gathered together to celebrate and embrace Unity."--Elizabeth Westley, Severna Park Middle School
Wearing Our SPHS Unity Pride
"Our principal, Mr. Bathras, purchased orange Unity tees for the entire faculty. They were printed by teacher Mr. Slack and students!"--Marianne Fitzgerald, SPHS
Want to improve your office? Host a student intern!
"High school kids are funny and bright and creative and savvy and as interns, we get to know them and their stories. Having them in our office reminds us why our work matters–and what we do is better because of it."--Lauren Grey-Hawkins, AACPS Employee & Internship Supervisor
Finding a Home in AACPS
"There was never anywhere else I wanted to teach! Anne Arundel County Public Schools were my home when I was younger and are still my home away from home as a teacher!"--Cameron Kenny, AACPS Teacher & Alum
Learning life-long skills at the Café @ Maryland Hall
"At CAT-South and at the Café, you have students from lots of areas of the county coming together, which gives you a lot of different perspectives and a lot of different backgrounds." Isabella Nguyen, CAT-South Alumn
The Art of Discovery
"I believe everyone is always an artist and I teach to provide every child the opportunity to explore a multitude of media in order to discover what type of artist they want to be."--Amy Degenhard, Jones Elementary School
Appreciating the Good in All Students
"My philosophy of teaching grows from my own love of learning and the value I place on the relationships formed within the learning community."-- Lyndsay Geddings, Folger McKinsey Elementary School
Intricate Parts of Our Education Adventure
"My belief is that all students can learn if provided with tools that enhance the skills that we are trying to build and expand the foundation that they have already established. Utilizing a variety of methods of instruction as well as different unique tools such as Makerspace and presentation materials allows me as a teacher to reach more learners and help them grow."--Melissa Connelly
Praise From All Corners of the Community
"My teaching philosophy is simple. Make it fun, make it collaborative and make it as hands-on as possible all the while being kind to one another."--Angela Carbone, Severna Park Middle
Bobcat Book Club
By having teachers, parents and students work together to create this new and exciting extracurricular reading program, everyone shares ownership, which has contributed to the success of the Bobcat Book club.
Allergy Awareness
“At Folger McKinsey, the Allergy Awareness group helps bridge the gap between the parents, health room staff, and school staff to create a safe environment for all students.”
Finding A Family At Folger McKinsey
"The Kindergarten team at Folger McKinsey Elementary have not only welcomed me into the world of Kindergarten with open arms, but they have become family."
From Severna Park Signature to Shark Tank
I’m a student from SPHS who went through the Business Innovation and Leadership program and ended up on Shark Tank with my college startup!
A Business Partner with True Falcon Spirit
Mr. Henson’s innovative spirit and dedication to our academic programs has helped create a culture of learning that fosters student success.
Making Sure No Student Goes Hungry
Severna Park United Methodist Church and the Children's Ministry has supported Brooklyn Park Elementary School’s Backpack Buddies Program for the past six years.
Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers
"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee
An Awesome Kindergarten Teacher
"Thank you Mr. Walter at Folger McKinsey for being an awesome teacher for kindergarten! Sophia enjoyed everyday of your instruction and teaching!" -- Hazar Biddle, parent
Educating Students About The Bay
This year, Oak Hill Elementary was chosen by the Maryland State Bar Association for participation in their program that focuses on improving the health of the Chesapeake Bay while educating students about the Bay and their role in keeping it healthy.
My Journey with AACPS
“My journey with AACPS began over 25 years ago, as a young child who was embarking on his first days of Kindergarten.”--Timothy Smith, Folger McKinsey Elementary
Teaching is My Purpose
"My passion for science led me to pursue every program possible to acquire more effective teaching practices and increased first-hand collaboration with scientists in the real world to bring back these wonderful opportunities to enhance student experiences."--Debbie Sparby, SPMS
Beyond the Teaching Standards
"A teacher never stops learning because our students are always changing."--Charlene Beyerlein, Jones Elementary
Forming Relationships Before Day One
"It is just as important to have children thrive emotionally as it is for them to achieve academically."--Angela Holmes, Oak Hill Elementary School
Uncovering the Talents in Every Child
"I’ve learned that to truly get to know a child I must exude behavior that is both collaborative and inclusive with not only the student, but with all key stakeholders in each child’s life."--Stacey Coppock, Folger McKinsey Teacher
The Most Kind and Caring Guidance Counselor
"We are relatively new to our area and the newness still hadn't worn off, leaving both my husband and I feeling misunderstood and uncertain about how things were going to go for us with the boys here in Severna Park. I reached out to Ms. Fincher to talk and she responded immediately.... Upon meeting her, her smile immediately made me feel better."--Lara Grossi
The Joy of Grandparents & Senior Friends Day
"My most rewarding experience comes once a year on Grandparent's/Senior Friends Day. What makes this event so rewarding is the pure joy of the grandparent's/senior friends to be able to interact with their grandchildren."—Delilah Schroeder
“This life changing experience has been one that has not only shaped our lives, but has given us the opportunity to make a difference in our community.”
"We began this project after seeing our friends, neighbors, and colleagues, who were excelling in rigorous course loads and overflowing extracurricular schedules, were not thinking at all about their finances. They spent recklessly, didn't save, lacked a basic understanding of how the economy around them worked, and were altogether unprepared for life after high school..." --Taylor Berger, Annie Myers, Charlotte Sundel
“Evelyn Foutty was a force of nature at Benfield Elementary”
"Evelyn Foutty was a force of nature at Benfield Elementary School in the 70s." --Mary Claire Chesshire
“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”
"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels
Mr. Collins Sparked My Passion for Teaching
"As I look back on why I am the teacher I am today, I think of one man who truly was an inspiration to all who walked through the doors of Chesapeake High School." --Jennie Merrill, SPES
“I experienced first-hand how the AVID program benefited students.”
"It is very fulfilling for me to observe the enthusiasm of AACPS teachers as they incorporate AVID strategies into their teaching and share their success in the classroom. In essence, I see that AVID builds confidence in both students and teachers!" --MaryAnn Orso