Check out what’s going on in the four areas AACPS Division of Academics & Strategic Initiatives (ASI): Curriculum & Instruction (C&I); Advanced Studies & Programs (ASP); Partnerships, Development& Marketing (PDM); and Professional Growth & Development (PGD). Throughout the year, this page will feature highlights on professional development opportunities, curricular support, grant and engagement opportunities, Triple E updates, instructional strategies, awards & recognitions, Programs of Choice offerings, and family outreach events.

August 2016

September: 21st Century Education Foundation

August 12th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The 21st Century Education Foundation is a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3) organizations created to support the students and teacher of Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS). Working together with business and community leaders, the 21st CEF promotes collaborative efforts to match the needs of AACPS with the financial resources of the surrounding businesses, industries, and community. Learn more at

July 2016

Volunteering to Help Students Connect Through Foreign Language

July 27th, 2016|Chesapeake HS, Chesapeake Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students|

“Nothing brings me more joy than our youth connecting with each other, especially in foreign languages.”--Alexandra, Grade 12

Loving My Role as a Volunteer Coordinator at Windsor Farms

July 27th, 2016|Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, What's New, Windsor Farm ES|

“Whenever there is an opportunity to help a child, I encourage everyone to give whatever time you may have, to do it. You won't regret making a difference and the reward is the sparkle in their little eyes and the smiles on their faces.” --Lisa Saunders

Helping AACPS Keep a Clear Mind

July 11th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

“This was my first year running the Keep A Clear Mind drug education program (similar to D.A.R.E., for those of you that remember it) and, though it involved some learning curves, it was hugely satisfying to administer the program.”—Christine Shekell

National Science Teachers Association

July 11th, 2016|Awards, Grant Opportunities, Professional Development, STEM|

Funder: National Science Teachers Association Available Funds: Varies by award Deadline: Varies by award Summary: Sponsorships for the NSTA Awards help support the science educators and their science educational programs, professional development, and proactive efforts in the science education field. See all the opportunities at their website. Website:      

June 2016

Finding My Passion through Volunteering

June 13th, 2016|Arundel Stories, Nantucket ES, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"My dedication, passion, and love for the children I work with give me happiness that is needed in my life." –Aaron Moon

My Favorite Teacher: Ms. Tanya

June 10th, 2016|Glen Burnie Stories, Monarch Glen Burnie, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Our Students, Teacher Appreciation|

"Ms. Tanya, thank you for being the person you are. You have opened up your heart and soul to do what you need to do and love to do and I just want to return the love."—Maxwell, Grade 5

Thank You Mr. Tayman!

June 10th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, South River Stories, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mr. Tayman, through your talent, guidance, and dedication, so many students have developed outstanding skills and furthered their love of music."—Jennifer Ballard

A Teacher’s Dedication

June 10th, 2016|Brock Bridge ES, Meade Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mrs. Janie Lohrmann makes learning exciting and fun for her 5th grade class." --Marva Taylor

The Joy of Grandparents & Senior Friends Day

June 10th, 2016|Benfield ES, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Severna Park Stories|

"My most rewarding experience comes once a year on Grandparent's/Senior Friends Day. What makes this event so rewarding is the pure joy of the grandparent's/senior friends to be able to interact with their grandchildren."—Delilah Schroeder