SkillsUSA has named the Center of Applied Technology – North’s Baking & Pastry program as a Model of Excellence for the second straight year. The program is one of 24 from across the nation to achieve the prestigious honor.

The Models of Excellence program recognizes the exceptional integration of personal, workplace, and technical skills into classroom activities. It is the highest honor bestowed by SkillsUSA, which is among the largest student organizations for career and technical education. SkillsUSA aims to empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members.

“We are immensely proud of our Baking and Pastry program’s achievement,” CAT-North Principal Joe Rose said. “This recognition validates our students’ hard work and dedication and highlights our commitment to preparing them with the essential skills for success in their future careers. It’s also a testament to the excellence and innovation of the instructor, Mrs. Josie Wolfe.”

The Models of Excellence program evaluates student-led projects and activities showcasing in-demand career skills. CAT-North’s Baking & Pastry program earned the award in part because of its development of multicultural sensitivity and awareness through a cultural cookie exchange. Students worked together to research cookies from around the world, and then produced boxes of cookies and an informational pamphlet about the cookies to distribute to students in the English Language Development program as well as to CAT-North staff.

“I learned about many different cultures, types of cookies and the histories behind them,” said Leo Santos, a CAT-North student who also attends Old Mill High School. “It helped show me how the environment affected baking times and how history affected the techniques used in cooking dough. I can take this into my industry to understand why certain things are made the way they are and be more aware of different cooks’ walks of life.”

The CAT-North Baking program, along with the other 23 winners, will be evaluated for top honors at the SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference held in Atlanta, Ga., in June.

“Our SkillsUSA top 24 Models of Excellence schools represent the best in chapter achievement and community involvement,” said Chelle Travis, executive director of SkillsUSA. “These students are America’s future skilled workforce and future leaders in their local communities. It is a tremendous honor for these schools and their recognition validates these outstanding SkillsUSA programs.”

Those wishing to do so can support CAT-North students and their travel to the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference can do so here.