The Anne Arundel County Public Schools Office of School and Family Partnerships is looking for candidates for its eighth International Parent and Community Leadership Academy (IPCLA), which begins April 28, 2022.

The six-week academy is aimed at improving communication between the school system and international families as well as diversifying the pool of leaders in schools and the community who can better support the academic achievement of international students and English Language Learners. Meetings will be held during the day at the Board of Education, located at 2644 Riva Rd. Annapolis.  Transportation can be provided if needed.

Candidates must be born outside of the United States and/or speak a language other than English at home.

Participants will identify and discuss challenges facing international students and their families, gain a better understanding of AACPS programs and initiatives, and explore ways they can become leaders in their communities.

Participation is free and sessions will be held from April 28 through June 1. Participants will receive diplomas and be recognized by the Board of Education at the end of the ICPLA sessions.

More information, including an application form (available in multiple languages), can be obtained at www.aacps.org/IPCLA or by contacting Kyle Eshom at 410-353-4169 or kdeshom@aacps.org.