Anne Arundel County Public schools will host a community conversation in an effort to continue the dialogue and work toward creating climates free of hate and bigotry on Wednesday, January 30, at Chesapeake Bay Middle School.
The event, which begins at 6:30 p.m., was originally scheduled to be held on January 17 but was postponed due to inclement weather.
“All Means All: Communities Cultivating Acceptance and Inclusion” will allow members of the public to join with students, parents, and school system staff to discuss incidents of bias in schools and the community, the impact of those incidents, efforts to date, and potential future initiatives.
Participants will consider information related to bias-motivated reports in Chesapeake cluster schools, hear about the impact of such incidents from students, and discuss AACPS’ efforts to combat these behaviors. They will then break into smaller groups to talk further about ways in which communities, organizations, and schools can work together to create climates of acceptance and inclusion.