As the Board of Education prepares to consider final adoption of Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ new five-year Strategic Plan, the school system is turning to parents, students, employees, and community members one more time for input.
A draft of the plan is posted online at, along with a link for feedback on the values, strategies, and metrics that will be used to guide the school system over the next five years.
AACPS gathered input from a bevy of constituent groups over the last year, including at four public forums, to help fashion the plan. The Board is expected to vote on adoption at its December 6, 2017, meeting.
Feedback can be left through a link on the website through noon on November 30, 2017. All feedback will be provided to Board members.
The pages featuring information on the Strategic Plan can be translated into a number of languages by using the Google Translate button on the top right of the website.