The Board of Education of Anne Arundel County will hold a public workshop to discuss the logistical issues involved in adjusting school start and dismissal times at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2015.

The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Parham Building, located at 2644 Riva Road in Annapolis.

At the workshop, the Board will discuss with AACPS staff matters such as bus routing, before- and after-school care and activities, classroom instructional schedules, and the estimated cost of potential changes. Representatives of Fairfax County Public Schools, which recently moved start times, will lend their experience to the discussion.

“Our Board has been well-educated on the medical research regarding the importance of sleep for teens,” Board President Stacy Korbelak said. “Now it’s time for the board to dig deeper into the logistics. This workshop will give us a chance to learn from those who have made similar changes before us, as well as those we will rely on to get us to where we want to be.”

While the workshop is open to anyone who may wish to attend, no public comment or testimony will be accepted.

The workshop will be broadcast live on AACPS-TV, which can be found on Channel 96 on Comcast and Broadstripe, and Channel 36 on Verizon. High definition broadcasts can be seen on Channel 996 on Comcast and Channel 496 on Broadstripe. The meeting can also be viewed live on the Internet here.