Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ study of school start and end times and a review of possible options to provide students with later arrival times is now online. The 20-page study reviews the current logistics with regard to school hours and transportation, non-fiscal considerations if start times were to be shifted and options for new start times. It also examines the complex state of current bus schedules and the impact – both logistically and financially – adjusting school start times would have on transportation.

The report comes as discussion among parents and other groups has increased. Earlier this year, community organizers presented the Board of Education with a petition supporting later start times for schools.

“The issue of altering school start and end times is a very complex one,” Superintendent Kevin Maxwell said. “There are an incredible number of ramifications to any change, and the intent of this document is to examine those ramifications so that informed discussion can take place.”

The Board of Education has asked its Countywide Citizen Advisory Committee to review the study and provide its feedback after soliciting input from clusters across the county.

The study can be found at www.aacps.org/hoursstudy.