Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ Office of School and Family Partnerships is looking for candidates for the fifth International Parent and Community Leadership Academy (IPCLA), which begins February 26, 2015.

The six-week academy is aimed at improving communication between AACPS and international families and diversifying the pool of leaders in schools and the community who can better support the academic achievement of English Language Learners. Meetings will be held at the Parham Building, located at 2644 Riva Road in Annapolis.

“Our first four academies have built incredible partnerships between parents and our school system and created opportunities for parents who may otherwise be unengaged to get more involved in the education of their children,” said Teresa Tudor, AACPS’ Senior Manager of School and Family Partnerships. “We have learned a great deal from those academies and we expect this one to be the best one yet.”

Participants will identify and discuss challenges facing international students and their families, gain a better understanding of AACPS programs and initiatives, learn about the responsibilities of the Board of Education, and outline methods for better communication with international families. Participation is free, and sessions are held on six Thursday mornings.

More information, including an application form (in multiple languages), can be obtained by Laura Gardner at 443-624-8607 or lmgardner@aacps.org.