Our Students Have Stories To Share
New Stories
Forever Grateful for the Support of Ms. Dalgleish
"All of the teachers at Freetown Elementary are very kind and treat all the students with respect. Ms. Amanda Dalgleish especially helped us through a hard [transition] and I will be forever grateful."--Chrystyna Sullivan, Parent
How My Music Teacher Has Helped Me
"In fourth grade, I decided to start playing the saxophone. My teacher was Mrs. Emily James, and she was a fantastic teacher."--Nicholas, Grade 8
Nantucket Elementary’s Incredible School Community
“As a parent of two students that have benefited from the incredibly supportive school community at Nantucket Elementary, I wanted to take a few minutes to recognize the school… Throughout the course of my children's time at Nantucket, I could not have hoped for a better experience for them.“--Jennifer Young, Parent.
Using Community Building Circles to Strengthen our School Community
"[Community building circles are] now part of our morning routine and our staff looks forward to giving 'shout outs,' learning about new students coming to our school, and having courageous conversations!"--Tiffany Stewart Kline, Assistant Principal, Mary Moss @ J. Albert Adams