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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Expressing My Appreciation for Ms. Mueller, an Excellent Teacher at Nantucket

"Ms. Mueller clearly cares about each of her students, and she goes out of her way to let them know it."--Erin Rick, Parent

Watching My Daughter Grow in Mrs. Miller’s Classroom

"Miller has the patience, heart, and firmness that my daughter needs to be not only successful in 5th Grade, but to be prepared for middle school."--Kristin Schrecker, Parent

Reaching My Goals through the Support of My Teachers & Colleagues

"I have the vision to insure an effective teacher in every classroom with administrators who can support them in meeting the needs of our diverse student population. Just as I have done throughout my career, I work in collaboration with many talented and devoted people to fulfill my vision. "--Sharon Stratton

Forever Grateful for the Support of Ms. Dalgleish

"All of the teachers at Freetown Elementary are very kind and treat all the students with respect. Ms. Amanda Dalgleish especially helped us through a hard [transition] and I will be forever grateful."--Chrystyna Sullivan, Parent

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