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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Elementary Music Teacher Turns Mother-in-Law

"Thank you Suzy Wyatt for being MY amazing K-5 Music teacher at Davidsonville Elementary (still going 41 years strong!). "--Meredith Krissoff, Alum & Employee

Fostering a Love of Music & Dance

"At George Fox Middle School I had the privilege of having a wonderful chorus teacher, Karen Simmons. She was a talented individual who cared about her students."--Susan Coakley, Alum & Parent

The Dedication at Rippling Woods

"Rippling Woods Elementary School has so many dedicated teachers who go unappreciated everyday."--Lauren Blackenship, Parent

The BEST Art Teacher who taught me so much more: Mrs. Sheckells

"As I entered Shady Side Elementary in my new role as a teacher in August of 1996, a familiar voice spoke to me. It was Mrs. Sarah Sheckells, my former art teacher... Over the last 21 years, Mrs. Sheckells transitioned from my classroom teacher to a peer, mentor, colleague, and friend." --Jennifer Sturgell

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