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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Shout-Out to Two Great Language Arts Assets at SRMS

"Joanne Sprague is a great department chair [and] Mandi Quinn is our amazing resource teacher."--Holly McDermott

Coming Home to Serve the School System that Served Me

"Upon graduation from Frostburg State University, I only applied to teach in one county. I was determined to come home to teach and didn't want to work in any other district. My experience in AACPS was a good one and I wanted to share that with other students."--Dot Arida, AACPS Coordinator of Academic Support

Jessup Elementary: Inspiring me to pursue a career in teaching

"I would like to make a difference in other students lives the way Mrs. Timberg and Mrs. Sword made a difference in my life."--Ashley Kayson

Heather Lowe: Going above and beyond to help her students

"Heather Lowe takes time to contact the parents and let them know what their child is doing, be it good or bad."--Laura Blankenship

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