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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

My favorite story from my first year at Marley Middle

"I am in my second year teaching at Marley Middle. Being a "new" veteran teacher I was embraced by faculty and staff and I was made to feel welcome. I wanted to share my favorite story from my first year at Marley..." Brenda Osborne, Teacher

Thank You for Inspiring My Son’s Love of Reading!

"I just wanted to thank Ms. Hoffman for helping my son's love reading!"--Nancy Cahlink-Seidler, Parent

The Most Kind and Caring Guidance Counselor

"We are relatively new to our area and the newness still hadn't worn off, leaving both my husband and I feeling misunderstood and uncertain about how things were going to go for us with the boys here in Severna Park. I reached out to Ms. Fincher to talk and she responded immediately.... Upon meeting her, her smile immediately made me feel better."--Lara Grossi

Helping Every Child Get a Healthy Meal

"Southgate's Cafeteria Manager Hannah Newman is one incredible lady and her staff is too. All the kids know Mrs. Hannah, she's more than just a "food service worker," she provides the only meal some of the students get."--Tasha Patterson, Parent

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