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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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Following my future with BMAH

"I joined the BioMedial Allied Health Magnet Program and I was placed on a pathway that put me on the right track for my career. After a terrible accident during my junior year I thought I was going to be sick of the medical profession but the medical professionals I met inspired to me to be the best me."--Jennifer, Student

Skill + Compassion = An Amazing Teacher

I always love visiting Ryan's class during American Education Week and I always hope to see just a "normal" class (meaning, not anything special because the parents will be there....just a typical lesson.) And I was thrilled I got to see just that today in your classroom. But, let me clarify: What I saw was anything but "normal." It was exceptional.

The Definition of Dedication

Mr. Stanzione epitomizes what it means to be a dedicated AACPS employee. He gives so generously of his time.

Thank You Mrs. Pillow!

"On August 7, 2008 I heard the worst words a parent can hear, 'Your son has cancer.' I didn't know which end was up. I reached out to [his teacher] Mrs. Pillow to let her know of Tag's situation. I barely remember our conversation, I cried for most of it, but I do remember her saying, 'Jen, Tag will go to college. I guarantee it.' Those words were so comforting to me."--Jennifer G., Parent

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