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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

More than a Job: Teaching is a Passion

"My philosophy for teaching is very simple. Everything I do, every interaction that I have with my students, must serve the students to educate and make them feel empowered."--Stacey Scofield, Mills-Parole Elementary School Librarian

Four Elements that Drive My Classroom

"My experience has led me to hold four elements sacred in my classroom...high expectations, engaging & differentiated instruction, parent involvement, and a culture of student dignity & value."--Sally Paz y Miño Wilson, THES Teacher

Balancing Development & Knowledge in the Music Classroom

"Talent is only as developed as our mastery of skills allow. I have found that doing alone is not always enough--PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT, NOT NECESSARILY PERFECT."--Robert Stojakovich, MRMS Teacher

Building the Foundation of Learning Through Relationships

"I believe that building relationships with students and staff is the glue that holds all the essential components of teaching and learning together."--Nancy Hack-Behringer, Mayo Elementary Teacher

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