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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Students set to showcase their creativity and innovation at Global academic competition

"Destination Imagination, Inc. is a global, volunteer-led non-profit whose mission is to teach students the creative process and help them gain the 21st century skills needed to succeed in the future workforce, including creative and critical thinking, collaborative problem solving and project management. The only elementary-level team from Anne Arundel County invited to compete in Global Finals and represent Maryland is the Millersville Masterminds, from Millersville Elementary."--Stephanie Ashley, Parent

Exploring the Medical Field through BMAH

"Even though I am only a freshman in the BioMedical Allied Health Program (BMAH), I have already discovered so much about the entire field of medicine, from the anatomy to public medical crises and soft skills."--Annaliese, Student

Now: BMAH; Next Step: Harvard

"I am just a freshman, I have already been presented with many incredible opportunities that strongly relate to my future medical aspirations, such as the Anne Arundel Medical Center Job Shadow, the live fundoplication procedure, the Tech Mania Job Shadow, and the Maryland Shock Trauma Job Shadow, just to name a few."--Julia, Student

Following my future with BMAH

"I joined the BioMedial Allied Health Magnet Program and I was placed on a pathway that put me on the right track for my career. After a terrible accident during my junior year I thought I was going to be sick of the medical profession but the medical professionals I met inspired to me to be the best me."--Jennifer, Student

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