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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

A Partner in My Child’s Education

Ms. Lum is one of the kindest, patient, but disciplined teachers my children have ever had. She is truly my partner in my Kindergartener’s education...

Keeping parents engaged!

Mrs. Shorter is my son's teacher for Kindergarten, and she has been a blessing to us. I just wanted to share that Mrs. Shorter has been such a great communicator with the parents.

A teacher who cares, makes a huge difference….

My bright and curious 3rd grader was feeling burned-out on the demands of school to the extent that he was being turned-off from learning. By December, he was complaining daily of not enough freedom and too much sitting in his seat.

More than a Job: Teaching is a Passion

"My philosophy for teaching is very simple. Everything I do, every interaction that I have with my students, must serve the students to educate and make them feel empowered."--Stacey Scofield, Mills-Parole Elementary School Librarian

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