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Our Students Have Stories To Share
The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
Share Your SuggestionNew Stories
When The Call Went Out, SECU Was There
Robert Gazic and the SECU team have been genuine, committed, and eager to assist with the financial education of Old Mill students.
Raising the Bar for Volunteers
Bruce Morgenstern and the Anne Arundel--Annapolis Community Emergency Response Team (AAACERT) have redefined what it means to be a dedicated partner.
A Partnership that Fits
"We want to remove the barrier of not having proper shoes so kids can attend class everyday prepared to reach their highest potential.”
Promoting Environmental Literacy through a Student Film Festival
ClearShark H2O’s mission involves a revitalization of youth engagement in Maryland’s waterways by offering hands on experiences to students of all ages, which pairs perfectly with Broadneck's Environmental Literacy Signature Program.