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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

The Education Foundation of AACPS Looks to Help Aspiring Pilots Fulfill Their Dream

"Live a life you love" -Gregory S. Winton, Esq.

A Great Community Opportunity for Local Youth with the SOFO Beautification Project

"What's great about the project is the youth who work on the project get rewarded by having a day in the Bay on a boat. We really wanted them to connect to the maritime theme," Jennifer Balducci.

Seventh Grade Artists Leave Their Mark on SOFO Maritime Heritage Fence Project

"We had working on the art for the fence project with Mr. Fenton. He really lets us be creative in art club" - Seventh Grade AMS Art Club Student

Annapolis Art Exhibit Highlights the Work of AACPS Art Students and Teachers

Thank you Ms. Zavistky from Severn Elementary for motivating and inspiring our daughter and her art was part of the exhibit.

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