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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

The Perfect Teacher for My Child

"Ms. Lisa Donnelly has changed my son's life in a way I never thought possible. "

Lucky to Have Ms. Maury

"She consistently goes above & beyond for her students, providing such a positive first-school-experience for our little ones, and we couldn’t be more lucky to have her!!"

Thank You Mr. Webster!

"The students love how he teaches hands on and how he has opportunities for the students to be involved."

Thank You for Being So Impactful in My Life

"A huge thank you to Mr. Keener for always providing not just educational support for his students, but emotional support as well."

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Our Student Reporters--blue text against pink and blue clouded background