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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Monthly Spotlight: The AACPS Internship Experience

Intern Quotes: "My favorite part was getting to know the other interns"... "It was definitely welcoming"... "I know what I learned here will help me with my future goals"... "It was a great exercise in networking"... "It was very different than what I expected it to be (in a good way)"... "It was inspirational that Dr. Bedell took time to listen to us, he made us feel very supported."

Monthly Spotlight: Justin Rowland and the AMS Grill Masters Club

Mr. Rowland had a desire to connect with the students in a new way. He knew that the summer break was a time to present an opportunity to show his community he was truly invest and he started the AMS Grill Masters Club.

Westfield Annapolis Hosts Cars & Coffee to Help AACPS Students Get Ready for School

Starting early on a warm, summer Sunday August morning, [...]

The National Association for Music Education invites Apex Arts Commercial Band to Perform at Leadership Assembly

"We need more of this in our schools, communities, and conferences. Thank you for shining a light on these kids and their amazing work!" - Stephanie Wiegand, Chair for the NAfME Council for Choral Education

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