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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Apex Arts Commercial Band Performance at Rams Head Tavern

The performance at Ram’s Head in Downtown Annapolis helps to illustrate the recognition of their level of achievement and the value of providing these students with real-world music industry experiences.

Meet the PDM Intern

"On a run-of-the-mill Tuesday in March of 2019, I found myself nervously walking up a flight of stairs for an internship interview. My mind was racing with questions I may be asked and I was ecstatic..." -Jaden Yanovitz

One Caring & Compassionate School Counselor

"Lori Stuart is the most caring and compassionate school counselor I've met." -Salome Stephens

A Fantastic School Counselor

"She works tirelessly to promote social emotional learning at Four Seasons." -Juli Gross

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Our Student Reporters--blue text against pink and blue clouded background