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Our Students Have Stories To Share
The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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Keeping Our Kids Going through Two Transitions
"[Ms. Kwaloff's] ability to adapt, change, and connect to each of these kids in her class is something that you’d pray for."--Sarah Smith, Parent
A Ray of Sunshine at Southgate
"Sarah Moulden, Custodian at Southgate Elementary, is a ray of sunshine with a smile for everyone!"--Molly Arneson, Parent
“I love Lothian Elementary.”
"I want to share that I was new at my school this year and I just wanted to tell people how nice people are at my school. I mean its only the third quarter and I feel like I have been here the whole time."--Eleanor, Grade 4
Rain or Shine, They’re Serving Up Meals & Smiles
"A huge THANK YOU to the amazing [food service] ladies at Old Mill...Ms. Tammy Carper, Ms. Lacresha Gross, Ms. Melissa Cowen, and Ms. Mariluz Lara."--Jadon, Student, OMHS