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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Principal of the Year 22-23, Richard Rogers of Mills-Parole Elementary School Advocates for “Constant Reflection as the Key to Become Better Educator and Leader”

Stay at it! It is worth it and fulfilling. Kids need dedicated teachers from all backgrounds.

LitCon Vol. 5 at Glen Burnie High School was One to Remember

“Lit Con Vol. 5 was another tremendous success. Glen Burnie High School was thrilled to be the host school" -Kevin Carr, Principal, Glen Burnie High School

Spreading Joy Throughout the Community

"I want to help everyone in our community to celebrate life, and I strongly believe that there are moments to be thankful for everyday. "--Kendra Eden, Sweet Eden Bakeshop

Determined to See Every Child’s Potential

"My goal for every student is that they become independent, confident, high-achieving students that see and reach their individual potential. I challenge myself daily to discover what is needed for each of my students to be successful and implement strategies to help them discover their abilities."--Doreen Fischetti, Crofton High School

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