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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

“I remember this meeting so well because it was the first meeting in the program that would change my life. “

"Ever since this first meeting I have been heavily involved with the Change-Engineering Signature Program. Mr. Elston has helped me in many different ways to accomplish my dream, like introducing me to congressman and many State Delegates. I truly believe if a student has someone like Mr. Elston in their life the things they can accomplish will be outstanding. " --Josh Lewis

“Students crave relevance to the academics that they are learning. Community members bring that relevance by sharing their personal and professional experiences with the students.”

"My passion is with the Signature Programs in the high schools. These themed programs engage students in real world experiences, teaching them soft skills that are not always part of the standard curriculum." --Bruce Morgenstern

“In high school I learned that labels don’t mean anything. It’s not about what is on the outside, it’s what makes up our inner soul.”

"Don't allow yourself to conform to your surrounding environment, keep pushing yourself to become a better person and never forget your true identity. Always remember everyone is fighting their own battle." --Aly Danick

“That special relationship, and friendship, helped begin me on my way to becoming the man with the confidence to believe in himself as I moved from lawyer to legislator to judge.”

"Thus began my friendship with what quickly became the first adult to take me seriously as a peer. For the first time in my life, I could argue with an adult who took me seriously. And it was at Andover that teachers like that history teacher did that for me. Without them, I would not be who I am. I owe them a lot." --Mike Burns

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