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"Me: "Time for your spelling pre-test." Son: "I don't have my list. Oh, wait, Mr. Witmer put it on OneDrive. Just a second Mom."" --Jessica Tickle
“I had no idea that leading the [Model UN] conference would awaken in me an idea that I could someday change the world.”
"When I was in seventh grade at Annapolis Middle School, my social studies teacher handed me an old, roughly worn-out gavel and said “Jacqueline, I’m electing you as Secretary General for our school’s Model United Nation’s conference--be ready, it’s next week,” and without giving me a moment to either accept or refuse, walked away and went on with his day...I had no idea that leading this conference would awaken in me an idea that would shape the rest of my academic career at AACPS--the idea that I could someday change the world." --Jacqueline Foley
“The encouragement I received daily…afforded me an understanding that university could not.”
"I was assigned to a school near Friendship Airport in Linthicum, which served as the bedroom for the mega company Westinghouse. Andover High School, which had opened a mere five years before, was, I was told, "the garden spot of Anne Arundel County." I was to learn before long that indeed it was a special place." --Wayne Shipley
“I’ve had so many incredible experiences, met amazing people and learned so much not only about the places around me, but about myself.”
"My experience with Arundel's signature program and how the opportunities they gave me led me to where I am today!" --Abby Piegols
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