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The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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Making math fun!
"My daughte, Lily, like many children, didn't equate math as her favorite subject. She's an excellent student but has struggled to the point of tears with math for many years. This year she has had the incredible opportunity to be placed in Mrs. Kimberly Baillieul's math class. Mrs. Baillieul has not only transformed my Lily to now love math, she has empowered Lily and made math fun." --Lisa Saunders
“My third grade teacher is awesome–that’s saying a lot because I’ve had some great teachers in my almost four years of school.”
"Miss B is super smart and she makes me feel super smart, too. We get to invent things in science all of the time. And my math skills - fractions, multiplication, division, word problems - have gotten so much better." --Dixon, Grade 3
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