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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

Amazing Teacher Turned Techie!

"The Office of Student Data's very own SIS Support Specialist, Gary Mills, has earned Expert status in SQL Server Development…Teachers like Mr. Mills make a difference all over our county in all areas of expertise." --Jessica Tickle on Gary Mills

Partnering with the Schools is a Home Run

"After working in my past position with the Frederick Keys and having a relationship with Frederick County Public Schools, it has been a pleasure working with those involved in business partnership within Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) upon my start with the Bowie Baysox in 2014." --Adam Pohl

Inspiring Students through the Media Center

"Our current media specialist, Cynthia Bischoff, joined our school only a year ago, but she has made a great impact on our students." --Cindy Holsworth on Cynthia Bischoff

A Year in AACPS Through the Lens of a Camera

"As a staff photographer, I get to view the big picture through my camera lens, the incredible dynamic that makes up our school system. I wish that every stakeholder in our county could see our school system from my viewpoint, which is a constant reminder that we produce an incredible product within our industry, the education and growth of a toddler to a young adult." --Mike Edgar

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