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Our Students Have Stories To Share

The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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New Stories

“Lanay Byers impact on the lives of these students was not measured in grades, but by the compassion and encouragement she offered to these children.”

"Lanay Byers, Retired Teacher Her impact on the lives of these students was not measured in grades, but by the compassion and encouragement she offered to these children...Although my son grew up and moved through middle school and high school within AACPS, he never forgot Mrs. Byers and would always stop at Richard Henry Lee during the Christmas holiday with a small gift to let her know she was often in his thoughts."--Candy Fontz

“This life changing experience has been one that has not only shaped our lives, but has given us the opportunity to make a difference in our community.”

"We began this project after seeing our friends, neighbors, and colleagues, who were excelling in rigorous course loads and overflowing extracurricular schedules, were not thinking at all about their finances. They spent recklessly, didn't save, lacked a basic understanding of how the economy around them worked, and were altogether unprepared for life after high school..." --Taylor Berger, Annie Myers, Charlotte Sundel

Equity Liaison–The Job I Was Born To Do

"I absolutely love my role as an Equity Liaison. It allows me to live my passion... My hope is to spread my love for education and for impacting the lives of children, to individuals who also have similar passions." --Mabel Stoll

“My cumulative experiences in the education field have led me to a job that I love.”

"I started working for AACPS in 2009. Working for AACPS has provided me the opportunity to grow my career from a teacher to specialist." --Nicole Trader-Morgeson

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