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Our Students Have Stories To Share
The Student Reporter Program offers a space for our student interns to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our awesome schools, offices, and communities where they #BelongGrowSucceed.
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Thank You Mr. Tayman!
"Mr. Tayman, through your talent, guidance, and dedication, so many students have developed outstanding skills and furthered their love of music."—Jennifer Ballard
A Teacher’s Dedication
"Mrs. Janie Lohrmann makes learning exciting and fun for her 5th grade class." --Marva Taylor
The Joy of Grandparents & Senior Friends Day
"My most rewarding experience comes once a year on Grandparent's/Senior Friends Day. What makes this event so rewarding is the pure joy of the grandparent's/senior friends to be able to interact with their grandchildren."—Delilah Schroeder
Fifer Orchards: Growing Local Produce for Anne Arundel County Public Schools
"Fifer Orchards is a 4th generation farm located in Wyoming, DE. We have had the pleasure to grow local produce for Anne Arundel County Public Schools for several years." —Curt Fifer