• Meet the Faces of AACPS
Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS
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Everyone Has a Story: These Are the Stories From AACPS

The Faces of AACPS offers a space for students, families, staff, and the community to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our #AACPSAwesome schools, offices, and community.
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New Stories

Learning to Love Politics in Mr. Sullivan’s Classroom

"Maryland's best-kept secret is that the best teachers in the world are at North County High School. One teacher for me stands out in particular. Mr. Dennis Sullivan, or "Sully," taught my AP U.S. Government, STEM Policy, and AP Human Geography courses and was also my (one-time) lacrosse coach. Sullivan has many strengths as a teacher, but by far his best attribute is his ability to get students excited about politics."--Christopher Frye, NCHS 2012 Graduate

Volunteering to Help Students Connect Through Foreign Language

“Nothing brings me more joy than our youth connecting with each other, especially in foreign languages.”--Alexandra, Grade 12

Loving My Role as a Volunteer Coordinator at Windsor Farms

“Whenever there is an opportunity to help a child, I encourage everyone to give whatever time you may have, to do it. You won't regret making a difference and the reward is the sparkle in their little eyes and the smiles on their faces.” --Lisa Saunders

Helping AACPS Keep a Clear Mind

“This was my first year running the Keep A Clear Mind drug education program (similar to D.A.R.E., for those of you that remember it) and, though it involved some learning curves, it was hugely satisfying to administer the program.”—Christine Shekell

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Everyone Has an Experience to Share: We Want to Hear Yours

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