• Meet the Faces of AACPS
Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS
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Everyone Has a Story: These Are the Stories From AACPS

The Faces of AACPS offers a space for students, families, staff, and the community to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our #AACPSAwesome schools, offices, and community.
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New Stories

Forming Relationships Before Day One

"It is just as important to have children thrive emotionally as it is for them to achieve academically."--Angela Holmes, Oak Hill Elementary School

Passionate for Learning

"It is important for students to know that I am invested in them as a person with diverse interests and not just in the classroom."--Bethany Siwajek, Marley Middle School Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy

"I believe there are outstanding teachers because they are in the line of work for the right reasons."--Kristen Brice, RHL Elementary Teacher

Teaching Like a Doctor

"I must understand my students, identify concerns, diagnose the areas of difficulty and problem solve for solutions."--Lisa Taltavull, Crofton Middle School Special Education Teacher

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Stories from my community--white text against pink and red geometric background
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Everyone Has an Experience to Share: We Want to Hear Yours

Tell us about your teachers, your school and your experience in AACPS.
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