• Meet the Faces of AACPS
Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS
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Everyone Has a Story: These Are the Stories From AACPS

The Faces of AACPS offers a space for students, families, staff, and the community to share and celebrate the good that happens every day in our #AACPSAwesome schools, offices, and community.
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New Stories

Why I Love Teaching

"Throughout the years I have met some of the most endearing children, interesting families, knowledgeable experts and compassionate professionals of my life."--Ronnie Barill, Van Bokkelen Elementary

Reflecting on my Honorable Profession

“I have come to realize that my philosophy of teaching can not be summarized into one word or phrase. It is a belief, a passion, and a responsibility.”—Nicole Hughes, Windsor Farm Elementary

Child-Centered Learning

“When student diversity is accounted for, all students will succeed.”—Debra Biggs, Pasadena Elementary, 2017 Teacher of the Year Honoree

Inspired to Be My Best

“My students and colleagues inspire me to be the best that I can be. I endeavor to do the same for them.”—Dawn Conway, Hillsmere Elementary

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Everyone Has an Experience to Share: We Want to Hear Yours

Tell us about your teachers, your school and your experience in AACPS.
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