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Helping Every Child Get a Healthy Meal
"Southgate's Cafeteria Manager Hannah Newman is one incredible lady and her staff is too. All the kids know Mrs. Hannah, she's more than just a "food service worker," she provides the only meal some of the students get."--Tasha Patterson, Parent
Retired Educator Continues to Spread Joy
Laura Blankenship
I am an AACPS: Parent | Volunteer, Rippling Woods Elementary School Rippling Woods has went through so many changes in the past 7 years. I want to thank all the staff there for the […]
Bringing Joy and Happiness Through Music
"Music brings out the joy and happiness in the heart. Mrs. Kennelly at Waugh Chapel Elementary teaches music to her students with such dedication and patience."--Deanna Mallon, Parent
My Journey from Culinary Student to Culinary Teacher
"Of course, I want my students to learn the culinary knowledge and skills...Most importantly though...I want them to value the importance of professional growth, collaboration, and teamwork in all industries."--Pam Klink, CAT-North Teacher
Teaching Chose Me
"When I found the AVID program, I knew unequivocally that AACPS had been the right choice for me."--Alexis Pogonowski, AVID Teacher Specialist
“Show me a leader, a scholar, a changemaker — and I’ll show you an educator who inspired such glory.”
"My experiences as an AACPS educator have been shaped by these pathways – by the pathfinders who identified my potential, and then catapulted me into arenas where others might do the same." --Jasmine Coleman
Paying a Passion for Teaching Forward
"It is because of Mr. Glorioso that I was hired for [the cosmetology teacher at the Center of Applied Technology North]. When I expressed my gratitude to him he simply said, 'Now you go and give to someone else.'"--Tammy Diedrich
How one amazing teacher has forever impacted my son
"Perhaps what has impressed me the most about Ms. Mueller is how well she knows each of her students' unique abilities, family situations, skills, interests, and strengths. It is clear she has taken the time to know every student in front of her as an individual and as a result, each of the students in her class feels valued and important."--Kristen Caminiti
Mrs. Sheckells’ Impact–From One Generation to the Next
"I can't even begin to express my appreciation for Mrs. Sheckells. She taught me over 20 years ago and I was so fortunate to have her teach my three daughters at Shady Side Elementary."--Cathy Gates, Alum & Parent
From student teacher to colleague, I’ve had a mentor in Ms. Zak
"With unwavering persistence, patience, and love, Mrs. Zak not only pushes her children to levels they never thought they could, but she motivates everyone around her to examine the quality of their own teaching and will work with anyone to help them support their students."--Kathleen Tran
Shout-Out to Two Great Language Arts Assets at SRMS
"Joanne Sprague is a great department chair [and] Mandi Quinn is our amazing resource teacher."--Holly McDermott
Coming Home to Serve the School System that Served Me
"Upon graduation from Frostburg State University, I only applied to teach in one county. I was determined to come home to teach and didn't want to work in any other district. My experience in AACPS was a good one and I wanted to share that with other students."--Dot Arida, AACPS Coordinator of Academic Support
Heather Lowe: Going above and beyond to help her students
"Heather Lowe takes time to contact the parents and let them know what their child is doing, be it good or bad."--Laura Blankenship
Our Continued Appreciation for Ms. Tanya
"Ms. Tanya energizes the students and gets them excited to learn. She gets to know her students and lets them know her not only as a teacher but as a person."--Valerie Frazier, Parent
How A Teacher Continues to Encourage, Years After My Son Left Her Classroom
"When my son started kindergarten I was worried... I didn't know anything about the teachers at Davidsonville Elementary school and didn't realize how getting the letter saying Mrs. Jones would be his teacher would change his life."--Melissa Wirzburger, Parent
Building Self-Confidence in Tyler Heights’ S.E.L.F Program
"In the fifth grade, my school Tyler Heights had a program called S.E.L.F which still continues now. This program helps young girls to gain determination, and self-confidence. I learned a lot from that program, and go there almost every Friday to see the new S.E.L.F girls."--Ariyanna
Elementary Music Teacher Turns Mother-in-Law
"Thank you Suzy Wyatt for being MY amazing K-5 Music teacher at Davidsonville Elementary (still going 41 years strong!). "--Meredith Krissoff, Alum & Employee
Fostering a Love of Music & Dance
"At George Fox Middle School I had the privilege of having a wonderful chorus teacher, Karen Simmons. She was a talented individual who cared about her students."--Susan Coakley, Alum & Parent
The Dedication at Rippling Woods
"Rippling Woods Elementary School has so many dedicated teachers who go unappreciated everyday."--Lauren Blackenship, Parent
The BEST Art Teacher who taught me so much more: Mrs. Sheckells
"As I entered Shady Side Elementary in my new role as a teacher in August of 1996, a familiar voice spoke to me. It was Mrs. Sarah Sheckells, my former art teacher... Over the last 21 years, Mrs. Sheckells transitioned from my classroom teacher to a peer, mentor, colleague, and friend." --Jennifer Sturgell
My story is about how kind Mrs. Reisinger is
"Mrs. Reisinger is kind because an example is at our feild trip i was not happy with my group so i got too sit with her and hang out. I love Mrs. Reisinger because of what she does!"--Sydney, Grade 2
Reaching My Goals through the Support of My Teachers & Colleagues
"I have the vision to insure an effective teacher in every classroom with administrators who can support them in meeting the needs of our diverse student population. Just as I have done throughout my career, I work in collaboration with many talented and devoted people to fulfill my vision. "--Sharon Stratton
Forever Grateful for the Support of Ms. Dalgleish
"All of the teachers at Freetown Elementary are very kind and treat all the students with respect. Ms. Amanda Dalgleish especially helped us through a hard [transition] and I will be forever grateful."--Chrystyna Sullivan, Parent
How My Music Teacher Has Helped Me
"In fourth grade, I decided to start playing the saxophone. My teacher was Mrs. Emily James, and she was a fantastic teacher."--Nicholas, Grade 8
Using Community Building Circles to Strengthen our School Community
"[Community building circles are] now part of our morning routine and our staff looks forward to giving 'shout outs,' learning about new students coming to our school, and having courageous conversations!"--Tiffany Stewart Kline, Assistant Principal, Mary Moss @ J. Albert Adams
Recognizing Ms. Kerst
"Elizabeth Kerst, third grade teacher at Oakwood Elementary School was selected to be filmed teaching an Explicit Comprehension lesson....The Reading Office couldn’t have selected a better teacher." --Donna Usewick, Principal
An Overdue Thank You to the Teachers at Hillsmere Elementary
"How long has it been, since I left Hillsmere Elementary School? I am not really too sure of the names of my classmates, but I know three teachers who, played a fantastic roll in my development and interest in self-improvement that has followed me to this day."--Tracy Lee
The Five Restorative Questions in Action!
"Restorative Questions provide a framework that helps adults as they guide students through a reflection of their actions, what harm they caused, and how they can repair that harm. This helps them be part of creating an honorable pathway back to the classroom – and to learning!"--Kathy Rockefeller
“My road to teaching has been a family affair.”
After 25 years in the classroom my father transitioned into another position within the board of education as an Internship Coach. I decided to apply for the Automotive Refinishing Instructor position that my father held for the past 25 years. As a family we were very excited that I was selected for the position… I don’t think I’d be happy doing anything else. You have to find passion in what you do, and I feel that passion. I enjoy going to work every day. There are always going to be problems in any career you choose, but you have to find the joy in it. If there is no joy, there’s no point.
The Students Vote: The Principal is Kind
"Our Student Government Association sponsors a quarterly award where students in grades 1-5 can vote for the Sunshine Award, which recognizes a staff member who is excellent, caring, and supportive of the students...the votes for [Principal] Mr. Gordon show the students think he is kind and supportive."--Barbara Holcomb, School Counselor
From Coaching to Administration–How Principals are Made
“A pertinent question to ask during this month where we recognize administrators is what experience prepared you for the challenges of the position? Of course the numerous workshops, books/articles read and years worked in the classroom helped. But in my particular case, my many years coaching on the sideline provided me with incredible advantages that translated to the skills I would need as an administrator.”—Kevin Buckley, Principal
Learning to Love Politics in Mr. Sullivan’s Classroom
"Maryland's best-kept secret is that the best teachers in the world are at North County High School. One teacher for me stands out in particular. Mr. Dennis Sullivan, or "Sully," taught my AP U.S. Government, STEM Policy, and AP Human Geography courses and was also my (one-time) lacrosse coach. Sullivan has many strengths as a teacher, but by far his best attribute is his ability to get students excited about politics."--Christopher Frye, NCHS 2012 Graduate
Helping AACPS Keep a Clear Mind
“This was my first year running the Keep A Clear Mind drug education program (similar to D.A.R.E., for those of you that remember it) and, though it involved some learning curves, it was hugely satisfying to administer the program.”—Christine Shekell
My Favorite Teacher: Ms. Tanya
"Ms. Tanya, thank you for being the person you are. You have opened up your heart and soul to do what you need to do and love to do and I just want to return the love."—Maxwell, Grade 5
Thank You Mr. Tayman!
"Mr. Tayman, through your talent, guidance, and dedication, so many students have developed outstanding skills and furthered their love of music."—Jennifer Ballard
A Teacher’s Dedication
"Mrs. Janie Lohrmann makes learning exciting and fun for her 5th grade class." --Marva Taylor
A Wonderful Teacher & Role Model
"Mrs. Dronberger, at Broadneck High School is the most organized teacher I have ever encountered in my 18 years’ experience as a parent."--Roberta Wentworth
“Cool School” Annapolis Middle NJHS & SGA take the Polar Bear Plunge to help Special Olympics Maryland
"The students were really excited to do this to show they can help with something bigger than themselves.”—Alex Tougas, Teacher
AACPS School Social Workers: Guiding Latino Students through Character Development
“As the School Social Worker at Annapolis Middle School, one initiative that I am excited to be involved with is the new El Joven Nobel program that Maria Baez (school social worker from Mary Moss at J. Albert Adams Academy) and I launched. El Joven Noble (The Noble Young Man) is a youth leadership and character development program for male students in grades 6 and 7 at Annapolis Middle School that supports and guides Latino youth through a “rites of passage” process. Developed by Jerry Tello in 1988, the program utilizes a 12-session curriculum focusing on the prevention of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang involvement, and school failure.”—Lisa Keough
“When I stop to look back, I realize that one constant in my life has been Anne Arundel County Public Schools.”
"My connection to Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) and Glen Burnie High School (GBHS) extends back nine decades to the first graduating class of GBHS. " --Mary Huey
Teaching in the Glen Burnie Community for 32 Years
"I have been teaching at Glen Burnie High School for 32 years. People ask me, “Haven’t you retired yet?” My response is: “No, I am still having fun.” I am still being blessed by each child that I meet and I grow in my profession and as a person by seeing the excitement, new ideas and energy of the new teachers and student that come each August." -- Mary Huey
“Lanay Byers impact on the lives of these students was not measured in grades, but by the compassion and encouragement she offered to these children.”
"Lanay Byers, Retired Teacher Her impact on the lives of these students was not measured in grades, but by the compassion and encouragement she offered to these children...Although my son grew up and moved through middle school and high school within AACPS, he never forgot Mrs. Byers and would always stop at Richard Henry Lee during the Christmas holiday with a small gift to let her know she was often in his thoughts."--Candy Fontz
Equity Liaison–The Job I Was Born To Do
"I absolutely love my role as an Equity Liaison. It allows me to live my passion... My hope is to spread my love for education and for impacting the lives of children, to individuals who also have similar passions." --Mabel Stoll
“My cumulative experiences in the education field have led me to a job that I love.”
"I started working for AACPS in 2009. Working for AACPS has provided me the opportunity to grow my career from a teacher to specialist." --Nicole Trader-Morgeson
“Of all my accomplishments, the most gratifying thing for me has been developing talent in students.”
"I student taught in 1972 at Glen Burnie High School and went under contract with the Anne Arundel County Board of Education as a theatre arts teacher. At the time, there were no dance classes offered in the school system, so I developed a dance curriculum for credit, taught it during the school day, and grew it into the largest dance program in a public high school in Maryland." --Dianne Rosso
“You are an artist and you will never be happy until you pursue life as an artist.”
"In my first year as a student at Brooklyn Park Jr. Sr. High School I met Hal Gomer, a visual art teacher and the after school theatre director... Because of his influence, I began to recognize that I related to the world in ways that were different from other people and that, for the first time, my way of relating felt accepted." --Ken Skrzesz
Amazing Teacher Turned Techie!
"The Office of Student Data's very own SIS Support Specialist, Gary Mills, has earned Expert status in SQL Server Development…Teachers like Mr. Mills make a difference all over our county in all areas of expertise." --Jessica Tickle on Gary Mills
Inspiring Students through the Media Center
"Our current media specialist, Cynthia Bischoff, joined our school only a year ago, but she has made a great impact on our students." --Cindy Holsworth on Cynthia Bischoff
A Year in AACPS Through the Lens of a Camera
"As a staff photographer, I get to view the big picture through my camera lens, the incredible dynamic that makes up our school system. I wish that every stakeholder in our county could see our school system from my viewpoint, which is a constant reminder that we produce an incredible product within our industry, the education and growth of a toddler to a young adult." --Mike Edgar
From Student to Employee—A Wonderful Experience in Crofton
"It has been a wonderful experience to be at Crofton Woods, the families have been wonderful to work with and it has been my pleasure to now have the children of past students enrolling at Crofton Woods." --Nila Brown
“Evelyn Foutty was a force of nature at Benfield Elementary”
"Evelyn Foutty was a force of nature at Benfield Elementary School in the 70s." --Mary Claire Chesshire
“The encouragement I received daily…afforded me an understanding that university could not.”
"I was assigned to a school near Friendship Airport in Linthicum, which served as the bedroom for the mega company Westinghouse. Andover High School, which had opened a mere five years before, was, I was told, "the garden spot of Anne Arundel County." I was to learn before long that indeed it was a special place." --Wayne Shipley
Mr. Collins Sparked My Passion for Teaching
"As I look back on why I am the teacher I am today, I think of one man who truly was an inspiration to all who walked through the doors of Chesapeake High School." --Jennie Merrill, SPES
“I experienced first-hand how the AVID program benefited students.”
"It is very fulfilling for me to observe the enthusiasm of AACPS teachers as they incorporate AVID strategies into their teaching and share their success in the classroom. In essence, I see that AVID builds confidence in both students and teachers!" --MaryAnn Orso