Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS

What is the Faces of AACPS?

Stories are one of the most powerful tools we have for building relationships and connecting with each other. When we share our experience, we help others understand who we are and what we value. In AACPS, these experiences often celebrate opportunities our students, families, and staff have at their schools and recognize the teachers, colleagues, and community partners who make those opportunities possible.

The Faces of AACPS is an online, storytelling platform that gives our AACPS community the space to share positive experiences. From writing a quick note to thank a teacher to sharing a life-changing experience in high school, any experience can become a story and every story is worth sharing.

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Meet the Faces of AACPS

Learning life-long skills at the Café @ Maryland Hall

"At CAT-South and at the Café, you have students from lots of areas of the county coming together, which gives you a lot of different perspectives and a lot of different backgrounds." Isabella Nguyen, CAT-South Alumn

How One Project Changed My Life

"This one project has impacted my life moving forward. Knowing now how much I enjoy research and analysis will help me when it comes to choosing a major in college or finding my career path." --Jocelyn, South River High School

Embracing the Real World

"My teaching philosophy views every learner as both a psychological and social construct; because neglecting or subordinating one to the other can result to behaviors that can be detrimental to the teaching and learning environment." --Martin Noga, Annapolis High School

Redefining the Culinary Classroom

"We reflect and we reflect and we reflect and then we reflect again. Then we modify, modify, modify."--Pam Klink, CAT-South Culinary Teacher

Real World Experience in a Contained Environment

"In the Café, we can allow students to work through mistakes in a way they wouldn’t get in a regular professional environment. As a result, these students are really taking ownership of the product and of the business." --Jody Elliott, Manager, Cafe @ Maryland Hall

Being an Educator is an Honor

"I believe that it is equally important to help my students realize that they can be world changers; to teach the whole child." --Bonita Bradway, Tyler Heights Elementary