Faces of AACPS: Real People, Real Stories.

Read stories from students, families, staff, and community partners from schools in the Chesapeake feeder system.
Inspired to share your own story?
Preserve, Protect, and Promote
In 1997, family, friends and local residents who were concerned about the deterioration of the historic Hancock’s Resolution property and the lack of public access, formed the Friends of Hancock's Resolution (FOHR) to "Preserve, protect and promote the unique historic aspects of Hancock's Resolution for historical and educational purposes."
Thank you, Ms. Abraham!
"Ms. Abraham connects with her students in so many ways and takes the time to really get to know them."--Jen Vedrani, Parent, Jacobsville Elementary
Celebrating Our Student Artists of the Month
"Each month one student in every class at Pasadena Elementary is selected to be the 'Artist of the Month' and their artwork is displayed on a special bulletin board in the main hallway."--Karen O'Boyle, Pasadena Elementary
“This is my second home.”
"The Fort Smallwood Elementary School staff and community are the best around."--Pam Osborn, Fort Smallwood Elementary
Our Students’ Masterpiece to Share a Positive Message
"Last year, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students helped create a mural to share the positive message of our school's motto: Together We Can Make a Difference."--Emily Pfeifer, Teacher
Thank You for Making Our School Beautiful!
"Thank you to SJR Lawn Care, The Reynolds family, and Mrs. Kathy Jovan for making our front entrance, courtyard and outdoor classroom beautiful."--Carrie Deaver, Teacher, Pasadena Elementary School
Guiding My Love of Teaching
"Thanks for being a supportive and safe environment to recognize my love of teaching!"
Thank You Mr. Webster!
"The students love how he teaches hands on and how he has opportunities for the students to be involved."
Building Community Relations In Unexpected Places
The game of cornhole is fun, friendly, safe, portable, unisex, etc. I thought it would be fun to take a set of boards to various community functions to help build community relations.
Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers
"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee
Get Ready to Read!
Just like a walk-a-thon, this program raises money based on how much each entrant reads. In this case, each minute spent reading translated into miles....This program has been in place for four years. In that time, it has raised over eighteen thousand dollars. Of course, it has also helped to support the cause of literacy. The Read-a-Thon is now one of the biggest, most successful school wide events at Linthicum Elementary.
A Legacy of Teachers
“The women in my family have given over 100 year of teachings to AACPS.”--Elizabeth Parker, NHS
Child-Centered Learning
“When student diversity is accounted for, all students will succeed.”—Debra Biggs, Pasadena Elementary, 2017 Teacher of the Year Honoree
A Shift in Classroom Dynamic
"I would not be a teacher without them, so the classroom is just as much theirs as it is mine."--Margaret Graham, CBMS Teacher
My Journey from Culinary Student to Culinary Teacher
"Of course, I want my students to learn the culinary knowledge and skills...Most importantly though...I want them to value the importance of professional growth, collaboration, and teamwork in all industries."--Pam Klink, CAT-North Teacher
A Teacher that Made a Huge Impact on my Life
Mrs. Tami Beyer is most definitely one of the reasons I am where I am today. Through tough decisions to take advanced classes, to struggling through a rough week, all the way to college decisions, Mrs. Beyer supported me every step of the way.
Volunteering to Help Students Connect Through Foreign Language
“Nothing brings me more joy than our youth connecting with each other, especially in foreign languages.”--Alexandra, Grade 12
“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”
"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels
Mr. Collins Sparked My Passion for Teaching
"As I look back on why I am the teacher I am today, I think of one man who truly was an inspiration to all who walked through the doors of Chesapeake High School." --Jennie Merrill, SPES
“What we’re really doing is growing a community…that says education is important to us”
"No matter whether we're a private individual, private organization, or civic organization, we have a responsibility to be good citizens and do what we can to make sure the next generation grows up and is successful." --Joe Van Deuren