AACPS stories about employees

Recognizing Ms. Kerst

February 23rd, 2017|Glen Burnie Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, What's New|

"Elizabeth Kerst, third grade teacher at Oakwood Elementary School was selected to be filmed teaching an Explicit Comprehension lesson....The Reading Office couldn’t have selected a better teacher." --Donna Usewick, Principal

An Overdue Thank You to the Teachers at Hillsmere Elementary

February 13th, 2017|Annapolis Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation, Uncategorized|

"How long has it been, since I left Hillsmere Elementary School? I am not really too sure of the names of my classmates, but I know three teachers who, played a fantastic roll in my development and interest in self-improvement that has followed me to this day."--Tracy Lee

The Five Restorative Questions in Action!

January 3rd, 2017|Annapolis Stories, Moss-Adams, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

"Restorative Questions provide a framework that helps adults as they guide students through a reflection of their actions, what harm they caused, and how they can repair that harm. This helps them be part of creating an honorable pathway back to the classroom – and to learning!"--Kathy Rockefeller

“My road to teaching has been a family affair.”

November 22nd, 2016|CAT-North, Our AACPS Stories, Our AACPS Story Locations, Our Employees|

After 25 years in the classroom my father transitioned into another position within the board of education as an Internship Coach. I decided to apply for the Automotive Refinishing Instructor position that my father held for the past 25 years. As a family we were very excited that I was selected for the position… I don’t think I’d be happy doing anything else. You have to find passion in what you do, and I feel that passion. I enjoy going to work every day. There are always going to be problems in any career you choose, but you have to find the joy in it. If there is no joy, there’s no point.

The Students Vote: The Principal is Kind

November 15th, 2016|Glen Burnie Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

"Our Student Government Association sponsors a quarterly award where students in grades 1-5 can vote for the Sunshine Award, which recognizes a staff member who is excellent, caring, and supportive of the students...the votes for [Principal] Mr. Gordon show the students think he is kind and supportive."--Barbara Holcomb, School Counselor

From Coaching to Administration–How Principals are Made

October 10th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our AACPS Story Locations, Our Employees, Southern Stories|

“A pertinent question to ask during this month where we recognize administrators is what experience prepared you for the challenges of the position? Of course the numerous workshops, books/articles read and years worked in the classroom helped. But in my particular case, my many years coaching on the sideline provided me with incredible advantages that translated to the skills I would need as an administrator.”—Kevin Buckley, Principal

Learning to Love Politics in Mr. Sullivan’s Classroom

August 22nd, 2016|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Maryland's best-kept secret is that the best teachers in the world are at North County High School. One teacher for me stands out in particular. Mr. Dennis Sullivan, or "Sully," taught my AP U.S. Government, STEM Policy, and AP Human Geography courses and was also my (one-time) lacrosse coach. Sullivan has many strengths as a teacher, but by far his best attribute is his ability to get students excited about politics."--Christopher Frye, NCHS 2012 Graduate

Helping AACPS Keep a Clear Mind

July 11th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

“This was my first year running the Keep A Clear Mind drug education program (similar to D.A.R.E., for those of you that remember it) and, though it involved some learning curves, it was hugely satisfying to administer the program.”—Christine Shekell

My Favorite Teacher: Ms. Tanya

June 10th, 2016|Glen Burnie Stories, Monarch Glen Burnie, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Our Students, Teacher Appreciation|

"Ms. Tanya, thank you for being the person you are. You have opened up your heart and soul to do what you need to do and love to do and I just want to return the love."—Maxwell, Grade 5

Thank You Mr. Tayman!

June 10th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, South River Stories, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mr. Tayman, through your talent, guidance, and dedication, so many students have developed outstanding skills and furthered their love of music."—Jennifer Ballard

A Teacher’s Dedication

June 10th, 2016|Brock Bridge ES, Meade Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mrs. Janie Lohrmann makes learning exciting and fun for her 5th grade class." --Marva Taylor

A Wonderful Teacher & Role Model

June 10th, 2016|Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees|

"Mrs. Dronberger, at Broadneck High School is the most organized teacher I have ever encountered in my 18 years’ experience as a parent."--Roberta Wentworth

“Cool School” Annapolis Middle NJHS & SGA take the Polar Bear Plunge to help Special Olympics Maryland

February 15th, 2023|Annapolis MS, Annapolis Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our AACPS Story Locations, Our Employees|

"The students were really excited to do this to show they can help with something bigger than themselves.”—Alex Tougas, Teacher

AACPS School Social Workers: Guiding Latino Students through Character Development

June 2nd, 2016|Annapolis MS, Annapolis Stories, Moss-Adams, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

“As the School Social Worker at Annapolis Middle School, one initiative that I am excited to be involved with is the new El Joven Nobel program that Maria Baez (school social worker from Mary Moss at J. Albert Adams Academy) and I launched. El Joven Noble (The Noble Young Man) is a youth leadership and character development program for male students in grades 6 and 7 at Annapolis Middle School that supports and guides Latino youth through a “rites of passage” process. Developed by Jerry Tello in 1988, the program utilizes a 12-session curriculum focusing on the prevention of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang involvement, and school failure.”—Lisa Keough

“When I stop to look back, I realize that one constant in my life has been Anne Arundel County Public Schools.”

May 4th, 2016|Glen Burnie HS, Glen Burnie Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees|

"My connection to Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) and Glen Burnie High School (GBHS) extends back nine decades to the first graduating class of GBHS. " --Mary Huey