Spreading Joy Throughout the Community
"I want to help everyone in our community to celebrate life, and I strongly believe that there are moments to be thankful for everyday. "--Kendra Eden, Sweet Eden Bakeshop
Inspiring My Passion for Science & Teaching
"Mr. Imwold, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me when I was still in high school sitting in your AP environmental science class all the way up to now when I am a soon be senior in college at UMBC studying to be a high school biology teacher myself!"--Mackenzie Jones, Alumni, Northeast High School
First Your Student, Now Your Colleague–Thank You!
"When I think of you, Ms. Flohr, I think of the most hardworking and dedicated educator I have ever met."--Laura Frank, Former Student & Colleague, Riviera Beach Elementary School
Picking Up Where I Left Off: My Journey with AACPS
"My journey with AACPS had picked up where I left off, switching roles from student to teacher. I'm happily continuing my journey, and hope I end up having a strong impact on my students, just as my teachers had on me."--Tiffany Pfeiffer, AACPS Teacher & Alum
Supporting Evan to “become the man he was meant to be”
When Evan was diagnosed with autism as a toddler in 1995, his mother, Andrea, recalls his doctor’s grim words: “Go home and mourn the loss of a normal child.” Fortunately, Andrea then met the director of her local Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) early intervention program, who offered another memorable piece of advice: “You’ll have to invent Evan’s future.”--Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council
Overcoming My Fear of Math with Mr. Fornaro’s Encouragement
"Mr. Fornaro at Glen Burnie High School was one of the educators who taught me to believe in myself, to never turn away from a challenge."--Bri Barone, Glen Burnie High School Alum
“Thanks Mrs. Windsor for looking out for my dude.”
"Mrs. Windsor is a big part of the reason that the first day of school went so well for Will."--LaVonne Doucette, Relative, Glendale Elementary School & Marley Middle School
Want to improve your office? Host a student intern!
"High school kids are funny and bright and creative and savvy and as interns, we get to know them and their stories. Having them in our office reminds us why our work matters–and what we do is better because of it."--Lauren Grey-Hawkins, AACPS Employee & Internship Supervisor
You Can Always Count on Mrs. Addison
"Mrs. Addison always motivates and pushes her students to the fullest and to their highest potential."--Jeremiah Thomas, Alum
Finding a Home in AACPS
"There was never anywhere else I wanted to teach! Anne Arundel County Public Schools were my home when I was younger and are still my home away from home as a teacher!"--Cameron Kenny, AACPS Teacher & Alum
Learning life-long skills at the Café @ Maryland Hall
"At CAT-South and at the Café, you have students from lots of areas of the county coming together, which gives you a lot of different perspectives and a lot of different backgrounds." Isabella Nguyen, CAT-South Alumn
Katie Wilhelm Smith, South River High School, Class of 1998
Fox45, National Geographic, and now TLC—Katie has spent her career sharing stories through video and television. That passion was ignited at South River High School, where she learned the writing skills to tell a story and was given the freedom to be herself on and off camera.
Guiding My Love of Teaching
"Thanks for being a supportive and safe environment to recognize my love of teaching!"
Thank You for Being So Impactful in My Life
"A huge thank you to Mr. Keener for always providing not just educational support for his students, but emotional support as well."
One of the most influential teachers I have ever had
"Your classroom was always a joy to be in. It was a place where I could be proud of my accomplishments, and more importantly, proud of myself."
From Severna Park Signature to Shark Tank
I’m a student from SPHS who went through the Business Innovation and Leadership program and ended up on Shark Tank with my college startup!
Working Alongside the Teachers Who Impacted Me
"It is very exciting for me to be working alongside the teachers that made such a huge difference in my life growing up!"
We Are a Family at Park Elementary School
As educators, "We wouldn’t bring our own children here if we didn’t think they’d get the best education possible."
At Home At Park
"This is where I feel I do my best work and I never want to be anywhere else—I never need to be anywhere else."
Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce
"We are strengthening the push with the CAT schools to help raise awareness of the great opportunities that are still offered in trades."
A Business Partner with True Falcon Spirit
Mr. Henson’s innovative spirit and dedication to our academic programs has helped create a culture of learning that fosters student success.
Blades of Green: Bringing the World of Business to Our Students
"Businesses like Blades of Green are key in connecting our students with opportunities to work in industries of interest and for companies that are respected in their industry."
An Integral Part of South River’s Signature Program
The South River family is rich in so many ways because of people like Tyler Bennett who, “approaches each day with the attitude…what can I do today to have a positive impact and improve the lives of others?”
Inspired to Achieve Greatness
"I’ve risen above thinking I achieved greatness on my own; and I’ve embraced the responsibility to ignite and stoke in my students the fire that was started inside of me." --Iris Crankfield, SRHS
Improving classrooms through teamwork and personal connections.
Inspiring children to learn is a gift I feel humbled and grateful to share.
My Journey with AACPS
“My journey with AACPS began over 25 years ago, as a young child who was embarking on his first days of Kindergarten.”--Timothy Smith, Folger McKinsey Elementary
Wayne Shipley, Arundel High School, Class of 1962
Wayne’s lifelong love of the performing arts began on a high school dare. But over the course of his 30+ years as an English teacher in Anne Arundel County and, later, as an independent filmmaker, Wayne has shared his passion for literature and the arts to help his students—in and out of the classroom—find and follow their own visions for the future.
A Teacher that Made a Huge Impact on my Life
Mrs. Tami Beyer is most definitely one of the reasons I am where I am today. Through tough decisions to take advanced classes, to struggling through a rough week, all the way to college decisions, Mrs. Beyer supported me every step of the way.
Pushing Myself to Explore the World Through my Signature Program
"Everything changed when I enrolled in the Global Communications and Public Affairs Signature Program my junior year. Through the GCPA program at South River, I developed from a good student into an outstanding student, from a confused teenager into a confident young woman. The class taught me how to handle myself in formal business environments, how to pursue a career that I am passionate about, how to network and create valuable connections, how to go out into the Real World ready for anything it can throw at me."--Juliana Boyle, SRHS Alum
Paying a Passion for Teaching Forward
"It is because of Mr. Glorioso that I was hired for [the cosmetology teacher at the Center of Applied Technology North]. When I expressed my gratitude to him he simply said, 'Now you go and give to someone else.'"--Tammy Diedrich
From student teacher to colleague, I’ve had a mentor in Ms. Zak
"With unwavering persistence, patience, and love, Mrs. Zak not only pushes her children to levels they never thought they could, but she motivates everyone around her to examine the quality of their own teaching and will work with anyone to help them support their students."--Kathleen Tran
Jessup Elementary: Inspiring me to pursue a career in teaching
"I would like to make a difference in other students lives the way Mrs. Timberg and Mrs. Sword made a difference in my life."--Ashley Kayson
Elementary Music Teacher Turns Mother-in-Law
"Thank you Suzy Wyatt for being MY amazing K-5 Music teacher at Davidsonville Elementary (still going 41 years strong!). "--Meredith Krissoff, Alum & Employee
Fostering a Love of Music & Dance
"At George Fox Middle School I had the privilege of having a wonderful chorus teacher, Karen Simmons. She was a talented individual who cared about her students."--Susan Coakley, Alum & Parent
The BEST Art Teacher who taught me so much more: Mrs. Sheckells
"As I entered Shady Side Elementary in my new role as a teacher in August of 1996, a familiar voice spoke to me. It was Mrs. Sarah Sheckells, my former art teacher... Over the last 21 years, Mrs. Sheckells transitioned from my classroom teacher to a peer, mentor, colleague, and friend." --Jennifer Sturgell
Reaching My Goals through the Support of My Teachers & Colleagues
"I have the vision to insure an effective teacher in every classroom with administrators who can support them in meeting the needs of our diverse student population. Just as I have done throughout my career, I work in collaboration with many talented and devoted people to fulfill my vision. "--Sharon Stratton
An Overdue Thank You to the Teachers at Hillsmere Elementary
"How long has it been, since I left Hillsmere Elementary School? I am not really too sure of the names of my classmates, but I know three teachers who, played a fantastic roll in my development and interest in self-improvement that has followed me to this day."--Tracy Lee
From Annapolis Class of 1982 to Documentary Filmmaker
As a new "Guest Performer/Artist" with the Performing and Visual Arts program in Anne Arundel County Public Schools, I look forward to exploring digital storytelling as a way to combine multiple disciplines and enhance learning experiences.
Mark Chang, Glen Burnie High School, Class of 1994
Mark Chang always had a heart for public service. With the support and encouragement of his teachers and classmates, Mark found his niche in Glen Burnie High School’s Student Government Association. Now, as a Maryland Delegate for District 32, Mark is able to continue following his passion for giving back to the community that gave so much to him.
Finding a Path to College through AVID and the Gates Millennium Scholarship
"As a junior in high school, the thought of college was an overwhelming and stressful one. With my teacher’s guidance through the AVID program, my questions were answered and I began to develop a plan. As senior year rolled around, I had a plan, but no financial means of achieving it. My teachers encouraged me to apply for the Gates Millennium Scholarship. When I received the decision email from Gates a few months later I scrolled down cautiously, only to see, "Congratulations!" and my life has forever been changed. " --Cierra Carter
Jordan Potter, Annapolis High School, Class of 2011
Jordan always knew he loved working on cars. So after two years in the Automotive Technology Program at CAT South and with the support of the AACPS Internship Program, he became an intern at Tiff’s Foreign Car Care, a specialty care shop that focuses on high-end vehicles, during his senior year of high school. Years later, Jordan is still at Tiff’s, now as the Service Manger & Mechanic and still loves what he does.
Learning to Love Politics in Mr. Sullivan’s Classroom
"Maryland's best-kept secret is that the best teachers in the world are at North County High School. One teacher for me stands out in particular. Mr. Dennis Sullivan, or "Sully," taught my AP U.S. Government, STEM Policy, and AP Human Geography courses and was also my (one-time) lacrosse coach. Sullivan has many strengths as a teacher, but by far his best attribute is his ability to get students excited about politics."--Christopher Frye, NCHS 2012 Graduate
A Wonderful Teacher & Role Model
"Mrs. Dronberger, at Broadneck High School is the most organized teacher I have ever encountered in my 18 years’ experience as a parent."--Roberta Wentworth
“When I stop to look back, I realize that one constant in my life has been Anne Arundel County Public Schools.”
"My connection to Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) and Glen Burnie High School (GBHS) extends back nine decades to the first graduating class of GBHS. " --Mary Huey
Teaching in the Glen Burnie Community for 32 Years
"I have been teaching at Glen Burnie High School for 32 years. People ask me, “Haven’t you retired yet?” My response is: “No, I am still having fun.” I am still being blessed by each child that I meet and I grow in my profession and as a person by seeing the excitement, new ideas and energy of the new teachers and student that come each August." -- Mary Huey
“You are an artist and you will never be happy until you pursue life as an artist.”
"In my first year as a student at Brooklyn Park Jr. Sr. High School I met Hal Gomer, a visual art teacher and the after school theatre director... Because of his influence, I began to recognize that I related to the world in ways that were different from other people and that, for the first time, my way of relating felt accepted." --Ken Skrzesz
From Student to Employee—A Wonderful Experience in Crofton
"It has been a wonderful experience to be at Crofton Woods, the families have been wonderful to work with and it has been my pleasure to now have the children of past students enrolling at Crofton Woods." --Nila Brown
“I had no idea that leading the [Model UN] conference would awaken in me an idea that I could someday change the world.”
"When I was in seventh grade at Annapolis Middle School, my social studies teacher handed me an old, roughly worn-out gavel and said “Jacqueline, I’m electing you as Secretary General for our school’s Model United Nation’s conference--be ready, it’s next week,” and without giving me a moment to either accept or refuse, walked away and went on with his day...I had no idea that leading this conference would awaken in me an idea that would shape the rest of my academic career at AACPS--the idea that I could someday change the world." --Jacqueline Foley
“I’ve had so many incredible experiences, met amazing people and learned so much not only about the places around me, but about myself.”
"My experience with Arundel's signature program and how the opportunities they gave me led me to where I am today!" --Abby Piegols
“I remember this meeting so well because it was the first meeting in the program that would change my life. “
"Ever since this first meeting I have been heavily involved with the Change-Engineering Signature Program. Mr. Elston has helped me in many different ways to accomplish my dream, like introducing me to congressman and many State Delegates. I truly believe if a student has someone like Mr. Elston in their life the things they can accomplish will be outstanding. " --Josh Lewis
“In high school I learned that labels don’t mean anything. It’s not about what is on the outside, it’s what makes up our inner soul.”
"Don't allow yourself to conform to your surrounding environment, keep pushing yourself to become a better person and never forget your true identity. Always remember everyone is fighting their own battle." --Aly Danick
“That special relationship, and friendship, helped begin me on my way to becoming the man with the confidence to believe in himself as I moved from lawyer to legislator to judge.”
"Thus began my friendship with what quickly became the first adult to take me seriously as a peer. For the first time in my life, I could argue with an adult who took me seriously. And it was at Andover that teachers like that history teacher did that for me. Without them, I would not be who I am. I owe them a lot." --Mike Burns
Mr. Collins Sparked My Passion for Teaching
"As I look back on why I am the teacher I am today, I think of one man who truly was an inspiration to all who walked through the doors of Chesapeake High School." --Jennie Merrill, SPES