Investing in Our Future

Across AACPS, there are thousands of employees who give their time and energy to help make sure our students can meet their fullest potential. But even this dedicated team cannot do it alone and AACPS depends on countless individuals and businesses who give their time, talent, and money to support our students and our schools. This month we ask why the community should invest in the future of our students.

Go Behind the Scenes @ AACPS!

Every day, we see the role our teachers play in impacting our student’s lives. But what we may not see as clearly is the dedication, passion, and commitment from those outside the classroom to give our students programs of access, equity, and excellence. The new Behind the Scenes Story Series features the unsung heroes that work… Continue reading Go Behind the Scenes @ AACPS!

March: Office of Facilities

The Office of Facilities is responsible for managing construction, operations, and maintenance for the county. From planning the construction of new schools and overseeing the custodial staff who keeps each school clean, to developing energy conservation strategies and operating the AACPS mail room, Facilities works hard every day to make sure our schools and offices are… Continue reading March: Office of Facilities