Investing in Our Future

Across AACPS, there are thousands of employees who give their time and energy to help make sure our students can meet their fullest potential. But even this dedicated team cannot do it alone and AACPS depends on countless individuals and businesses who give their time, talent, and money to support our students and our schools. This month we ask why the community should invest in the future of our students.

New Event

What is the ___________? Event Details here When? May 5, 6:00pm to May 6, 6:00pm Who Can I Contact with Questions?  

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Employee Giving Campaign!

Your contributions are supporting support Harvest for the Hungry, Chesapeake Regional Association of Student Councils (CRASC), and Relay for Life, among others, as well as grants, scholarships, school supplies, and incentive items for classroom teachers and students. We would especially like to thank our 2014 donors who contributed at the three highest levels (click here… Continue reading Thanks to everyone who participated in the Employee Giving Campaign!

September: 21st Century Education Foundation

The 21st Century Education Foundation is a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3) organizations created to support the students and teacher of Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS). Working together with business and community leaders, the 21st CEF promotes collaborative efforts to match the needs of AACPS with the financial resources of the surrounding businesses, industries, and… Continue reading September: 21st Century Education Foundation