Principal’s Academy
Facilitate professional development that provides principals with opportunities to explore research-based best practices and collaborate with other school leaders to continue developing a culture of equity and excellence within their schools
Monthly Principal’s Meetings
Collaborate with Regional Assistant Superintendents and Directors to support the monthly principals’ meeting focus through the lens of responsive, equitable practices.
Leadership Development for Principals and Assistant Principals
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Equity Liaison Leadership Development
In quarterly professional development sessions, provide resources and research-based best practices. This will empower Equity Liaisons to expand their leadership role within their schools and further develop an equitable school culture, increasing levels of student achievement
Growth Mindset Training
Our Our Growth Mindset initiative is based on the research of Dr. Carol Dweck and her team of researchers at Stanford University. We are collaborating with schools to create a growth mindset in EVERY teacher, student and parent through purposeful implementation of a set of mindset tools including: process praise, effort and achievement rubrics, goal-setting and reflection.
Culturally Responsive Instructional Professional Development
Support schools in utilizing data to drive school based decisions and creating and maintaining a culturally proficient and responsive school culture that fully implements research based and differentiated instruction practices.
Early Literacy Initiatives
Support Curriculum and Instruction in both the creation of the Kindergarten and first grade curriculums and providing professional development to kindergarten and first grade teachers throughout AACPS.
Title I Program
The Title I Office provides meaningful resources and supports to selected schools in order to engage students in appropriate opportunities that promote success.
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Practices
Maintain and expand school-based programs that utilize the PBIS program, a research-based framework designed to support safe and effective school environments using a multi-tiered system of support for all students. PBIS establishes a proactive, preventive, and positive response to student behaviors.
School Specific Supports
Support and lead identified schools in eliminating all gaps in the ten AACPS Strategic Plan Indicators. Collaborate with Regional Assistant Superintendents and Directors of Continuous School Improvement to support first and second year administrators.