2025 Teacher Appreciation Week
We'll be back!

What is Thank-A-Teacher?

Help us celebrate our amazing teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Check out the site for fun ways to recognize the past and present #AACPSAwesome teachers in your life! You can even enter your teacher for a gift card drawing!

Thank a Principal, Custodian or Food Service Worker, too!

We know that there there are many people in the school system who go above and beyond to support our students and family. You can share a story or send a Thank-A-Gram to any AACPS employee you want to celebrate!

Show Your Appreciation

Share A Story

Want to tell the world about a great teacher you know? Share a story through the Faces of AACPS Campaign and we’ll share it online and through AACPS Social Media.

Send a Thank-A-Gram

Let your teachers know how much you appreciate them with a personalized message. Write a message, tell us who it goes to, and we’ll send your Thank-A-Gram during Teacher Appreciation Week. Your teacher might even win a prize! (See below for details.)

Celebrate on Social Media

Give a shout-out to your favorite teacher(s) on social media! Check-our our library for images you can use on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Be sure to use #AACPSAwesome and #AACPSThankATeacher so we can share your post.

Contests & Prizes

Thank-A-Gram Drawings, Monday-Friday

Send a Thank-A-Gram and your teacher will automatically be entered for our daily Thank-A-Gram drawing. Every day during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10, 2024), one winner will receive a $25 gift card from RegionAle.  Tuesday, May 7th is World Teacher Day and teachers will receive a free sandwich* at RegionAle in Annapolis!

*To receive the sandwich please show your AACPS School ID and the only sandwich excluded from the free sandwich promotion is the Maryland Crab Cake.

Winners will be announced on AACPS Office of Business & Community Development’s social media.

Thank you to the Education Foundation of AACPS  & RegionAle for sponsoring the 2024 Thank-A-Teacher Campaign.

Make A Donation

Make a donation in honor of a past or present teacher to the school of your choice.

Read Stories About Our Teachers

AACPS STEM Awards 2025 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself" - John Dewey

AACPS STEM Awards 2024 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" - Alan Kay, Winner of the A.M. Turing Award

Annapolis Art Exhibit Highlights the Work of AACPS Art Students and Teachers

Thank you Ms. Zavistky from Severn Elementary for motivating and inspiring our daughter and her art was part of the exhibit.

Old Mill Middle School South Celebrates Mr. Hall

Mike is one of those teachers you come across once in a great while. He is just great with everyone and always has a smile and a story to tell.

Central Elementary School… The Spirit of Caring

This act of kindness is just one example of how caring and dedicated these teachers are. I am truly grateful for everything they do.

2023 Rising Star at Marley Elementary – Jamar Turner

If you can't start with you, then pass it on to the next person and let them make the change.

2023 Rising Star at Central Special – Cherith White

Just take it one minute and one second at a time.

2023 Rising Star at Broadneck High – Tyrice Brown

It has to be personal. It has to be something that you personally resonate with, because there's no generic answer. So if you have it in you and you feel the slightest bud that this is what you wanna do, water it, give it some some sun and go with it.

2023 Rising Star at Tracey’s Elementary – Dalen Parker

My third grade teacher, shout out to Ms. Mandy Brew. She has stuck with me since I was in 3rd grade. She went to my high school graduation. She saw me go through college, and she’s always been that teacher.

2023 Rising Star at Edgewater Elementary – Brandon Woodroffe

Unless people like you care and awful lot of things won't change.

2023 Rising Star at Glendale Elementary- Sabrina Hooper

"If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room."

2023 Rising Star at Brooklyn Park Elementary – Rebecca Meyer

They’re going to remember you. You are dinner table conversation at night. Their families will know you.

2023 Rising Star at Point Pleasant Elementary – Lorna Harris

"Tell me and I'll forget. Teach me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll learn."

2023 Rising Star at Bates Middle – Stephaen Hood

The kids talk to each other and say "wait, Mr. Hood sings too?"

2023 Rising Star at Seven Oaks Elementary – Kayla Lugo

"Your feelings are valid, but so are my rules."