Unity Day is an initiative created by the National Bullying Prevention Center to visibly show commitments to behaviors and mindsets that eliminate hate and bullying. Since 2018, AACPS has celebrated Unity Day and, in 2019, expanded the celebration with Project Unity to encourage those involved with schools and those in other areas of the county workforce to take part in visible anti-bullying efforts that emphasize kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Superintendent George Arlotto has championed Unity Days as opportunities for the community “to join together to convey the message of kindness and acceptance […] loudly and clearly.”
Our CommUNITY Barbecue
"This year, the school celebrated Unity Day by hosting a CommUNITY Barbecue in the evening. All students and their families were invited. The event was a huge success!"--Joyce Kovack, George Cromwell Elementary School
Embracing Unity Together
"We had our first ever school wide Unity Day Pep Rally. There were be over 1500 people on the fields in front of our school. Our school community gathered together to celebrate and embrace Unity."--Elizabeth Westley, Severna Park Middle School
Celebrating Unity–Wherever We Go
"My students and chaperones celebrated Unity Day on a fall pumpkin patch field trip!"--Rebecca Steiner, Glen Burnie Park Elementary School
Saying N-O to Bullying!
"Our GBHS English Department says N-O to bullying!"--Caitlin Peterson, Glen Burnie High School
Wearing Our SPHS Unity Pride
"Our principal, Mr. Bathras, purchased orange Unity tees for the entire faculty. They were printed by teacher Mr. Slack and students!"--Marianne Fitzgerald, SPHS