See ASI News Highlights from the Department of Partnerships, Development & Marketing.

Opening the Door for Deaf Culture in Our Schools

“AACPS opened the door and pursued ASL as a language to be taught in it’s schools. This willingness gives students the opportunity to broaden their language horizons and become productive/contributing members of society.”--Dana Dobbs, Broadneck High School

Empowering a Community of Learners

"Students will remember science because of how I made them feel and the excitement they felt as they learned some really cool science."--Kathleen Soares, Corkran Middle School Teacher

Inspired to Achieve Greatness

"I’ve risen above thinking I achieved greatness on my own; and I’ve embraced the responsibility to ignite and stoke in my students the fire that was started inside of me." --Iris Crankfield, SRHS

My students’ home away from home

"Classroom culture and environment directly impacts student success. My philosophy of teaching is built around this statement and begins by creating a home away from home for my students."--Marlene Kramer, Southern High School

Instruction Is The Essence Of Education

Years ago I read a quote that forever resonated in my soul, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. “My hope is that I inspire!

July 19th, 2018|Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Teacher of the Year|

My Teaching Philosophy

"My teaching philosophy is rooted within my goal of instilling a deep love of learning in my students while challenging them to surpass their personal expectations. I believe that each child is a unique individual with their own diverse backgrounds, learning styles, and specific interests and it is my duty to rise to the occasion and take them to their next level of learning."--Lori-Ann Blazano

Improving classrooms through teamwork and personal connections.

Inspiring children to learn is a gift I feel humbled and grateful to share.

The best lessons start with a question: “What if?”

"There is no doubt in my mind that becoming a teacher is a calling, not a job. I have never regretted becoming a teacher."- Christina Houstian

My Journey with AACPS

“My journey with AACPS began over 25 years ago, as a young child who was embarking on his first days of Kindergarten.”--Timothy Smith, Folger McKinsey Elementary

A Legacy of Teachers

“The women in my family have given over 100 year of teachings to AACPS.”--Elizabeth Parker, NHS