Faces of AACPS: Real People, Real Stories.

Stories from Northeast--black text on yellow background with Northeast High School eagle mascot

Read stories from students, families, staff, and community partners from schools in the Northeast feeder system.

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AACPS STEM Awards 2025 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

March 14th, 2025|Categories: Annapolis HS, Annapolis Stories, Arundel High School, Arundel Stories, Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, CAT-North, CAT-South, CAT-South, Celebrating AACPS, Chesapeake Bay MS, Chesapeake HS, Chesapeake Science Point, Chesapeake Stories, Crofton HS, Crofton Stories, Glen Burnie HS, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade HS, Meade Stories, North County HS, North County Stories, Northeast HS, Northeast Stories, Old Mill HS, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Phoenix Academy, Severna Park HS, Severna Park Stories, South River HS, South River Stories, Southern HS, Southern Stories, Specialty Schools, STEM, Teacher Appreciation, Virtual Academy|

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself" - John Dewey

AACPS STEM Awards 2024 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

April 16th, 2024|Categories: Annapolis HS, Annapolis Stories, Arundel High School, Arundel Stories, Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, CAT-North, CAT-South, CAT-South, Celebrating AACPS, Chesapeake Bay MS, Chesapeake HS, Chesapeake Science Point, Chesapeake Stories, Crofton HS, Crofton Stories, Glen Burnie HS, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade HS, Meade Stories, North County HS, North County Stories, Northeast HS, Northeast Stories, Old Mill HS, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Phoenix Academy, Severna Park HS, Severna Park Stories, South River HS, South River Stories, Southern HS, Southern Stories, Specialty Schools, STEM, Teacher Appreciation, Virtual Academy|

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" - Alan Kay, Winner of the A.M. Turing Award

Building a Lasting Community Within the Classroom

August 6th, 2020|Categories: Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Sunset ES, Teacher of the Year|

As a teacher, it is my job to ensure that all of my students come to school each day feeling safe and excited to learn. I strive to build a community within my classroom, as well as through the entire school.

Providing Students the Unlimited Ability to Succeed

August 4th, 2020|Categories: Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Riviera Beach ES, Teacher of the Year|

My philosophy of education is that all children have the unlimited ability to succeed.

Inspiring My Passion for Science & Teaching

May 18th, 2020|Categories: Northeast HS, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mr. Imwold, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me when I was still in high school sitting in your AP environmental science class all the way up to now when I am a soon be senior in college at UMBC studying to be a high school biology teacher myself!"--Mackenzie Jones, Alumni, Northeast High School

First Your Student, Now Your Colleague–Thank You!

May 18th, 2020|Categories: Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees, Riviera Beach ES, Teacher Appreciation|

"When I think of you, Ms. Flohr, I think of the most hardworking and dedicated educator I have ever met."--Laura Frank, Former Student & Colleague, Riviera Beach Elementary School

Thankful for Our School

December 9th, 2019|Categories: Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Riviera Beach ES, Teacher Appreciation|

"We are so thankful that our daughter loves school!"--Jessica, Riviera Beach Elementary

It’s Not About the Standards–Its About the People

July 16th, 2019|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Teacher of the Year|

"I believe that all students need to feel cared for before learning can take place. Understanding where students are emotionally and intellectually allows me to meet them on a level playing field."--Tully Fenner, Northeast High School

A Gifted Educator that Makes Learning Fun

May 23rd, 2019|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Thank you Ms. Crawford for loving your students the way you do and always being their biggest supporter and fan. The impact that you have had on our son will carry with him for the rest of his life and we will be forever grateful."

Sharing Our Appreciation for Mrs. Winarski

May 21st, 2019|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"Mrs. Winarski has made his first year of elementary school a wonderful experience for him and has fostered such a joy of learning."

Fighting the Opioid Crisis Through Education

March 4th, 2019|Categories: Community Partnerships, Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"New Life is proud to have a collaborative partnership with our schools, which is key in educating the students to choose not to use, with confidence."

Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers

February 5th, 2019|Categories: Annapolis Stories, Arundel Stories, Broadneck Stories, Chesapeake Stories, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade Stories, North County Stories, Northeast Stories, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, PPW, Severna Park Stories, South River Stories, Southern Stories|

"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee

Starting The Adventure in Reading!

August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Community Partnerships, Northeast Stories, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

STAIR is a proven reading and mentoring program designed to provide early intervention for at-risk second grade students.

A Legacy of Teachers

June 28th, 2018|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Pasadena ES, Teacher of the Year|

“The women in my family have given over 100 year of teachings to AACPS.”--Elizabeth Parker, NHS

Helping Students Develop a Love of Learning

June 7th, 2018|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Teacher of the Year|

"My teaching approach encourages creativity, cultivates independence, and develops an intrinsic sense of wonder [in my students] about themselves, their community and the world around us."--Sharon Mattoon, Solley Elementary Teacher

Giving Back with Help from My Guidance Counselor

February 26th, 2018|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Our Students|Tags: |

My Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Lewis, takes time to help everyone with their needs. Even though she is extremely busy she will do anything you need. Like recently I wanted to open a club to help others that are less fortunate in the community and now our club, the Human Relations Committee, consists of 17 members in the group.

Coming Home to Serve the School System that Served Me

May 25th, 2017|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Our Students|Tags: |

"Upon graduation from Frostburg State University, I only applied to teach in one county. I was determined to come home to teach and didn't want to work in any other district. My experience in AACPS was a good one and I wanted to share that with other students."--Dot Arida, AACPS Coordinator of Academic Support

Fostering a Love of Music & Dance

May 3rd, 2017|Categories: Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

"At George Fox Middle School I had the privilege of having a wonderful chorus teacher, Karen Simmons. She was a talented individual who cared about her students."--Susan Coakley, Alum & Parent

“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”

January 17th, 2016|Categories: Annapolis Stories, Arundel Stories, Broadneck Stories, Chesapeake Stories, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade Stories, North County Stories, Northeast Stories, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Severna Park Stories, South River Stories, Southern Stories|

"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels

“What we’re really doing is growing a community…that says education is important to us”

January 10th, 2016|Categories: Annapolis Stories, Broadneck Stories, Chesapeake Stories, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade Stories, Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"No matter whether we're a private individual, private organization, or civic organization, we have a responsibility to be good citizens and do what we can to make sure the next generation grows up and is successful." --Joe Van Deuren

Inspired to share your own story?