Every day we see the role our teachers play in impacting the lives of our students and our children. But what we may not see as clearly is the dedication, passion, and commitment from those outside the classroom who work to give our students programs of access, equity, and excellence. In this series, we will feature the unsung heroes that work hard every day to make our goals a reality. Join us as we go Behind the Scenes @ AACPS and via AACPS YouTube Playlist!
Outdoor Education: Inspiring Tomorrow’s Environmental Changemakers
Outdoor education is an important part of every AACPS student's education. Recognizing the importance of getting students outside of the classroom, the Office of Environmental Literacy and Outdoor Education creates unique opportunities for students to get down and dirty as they explore the world around them. At the backbone of these programs is the dedicated Environmental Literacy and Outdoor Education team.
Pupil Personnel Workers–Empowering Families to Support their Students
Pupil Personnel Workers (PPWs) serve as facilitators between families and schools. Working collaboratively, PPWs help identify, address, and alleviate issues impacting a student’s education, especially those related to attendance, residency, custody, and personal hardship. Part school counselor, part social worker, PPWs get to know families across the county and connect them to the resources they need to help their children be successful in school.
How We Spent Our Summer Vacation: New Teacher Orientation & Student Data
From making sure the right teacher is in every classroom to ensure that those teachers have all of the data they need to focus on instruction, AACPS depends on the work of Human Resources and Student Data over the summer to make sure we are ready to start the first day of school.
Transition Programs—Giving Families a Light in the Dark
Transition Facilitators work with high school students with disabilities to help students and families prepare for and transition to life after high school. With the support of the county's six Vocational Technicians, this dedicated Transition Team serves as part counselor, part advocate, and part business liaison to work with students, families, and the community to ensure that all of our students have the opportunities they need to be successful.
Media Specialists: The Hub at the Center of the School
The Office of Digital Media’s vision statement explains that school libraries should be “the hub of the school and [should be] innovative, vibrant, and flexible spaces, staffed with school librarians who inspire students to become tech savvy and independent life-long readers and learners.” To turn this vision into a reality, Anne Arundel County Public Schools and the Office of Digital Media Services depend on their vibrant team of 126 creative, dedicated, and passionate Media Specialists.
Co-Curricular Programs: Helping Students Choose their Passion
Co-curricular programs are an important part of Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS)’s five-year strategic plan because they offer students and their family choice in their education. But what is a co-curricular program? What does that term mean and how do these programs support our students?
Investing in Our Future
Across AACPS, there are thousands of employees who give their time and energy to help make sure our students can meet their fullest potential. But even this dedicated team cannot do it alone and AACPS depends on countless individuals and businesses who give their time, talent, and money to support our students and our schools. This month we ask why the community should invest in the future of our students.
Equity Liaisons: Everybody’s Cheerleader
Each day 81,000 children come to school with one goal—receive the best education possible. To reach this goal, students need more than strong academic programs; they need to know they are seen as individuals, each with a unique background and unique potential, and they need to know that their school wants to do whatever it can to serve them. In short, they need Equity Liaisons.
Café Managers: Serving Education Every Day
Want the recipe for the perfect Café Manager? Start with a passion for serving nutritious food, add a heaping spoonful of business savvy, and combine with a compassion for all students.
Custodians: Everything But Instruction
Across the county, just over 500 custodians are responsible for the care and safety of 13 million square feet of space. Often working in the background, this incredibly dedicated group of professionals take care of everything but instruction to make sure our school buildings are ready for our students to learn.